September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Families of Russian diplomats leave the US

Families of Russian diplomats working at the Russian embassy and consulates in the United States have reportedly are leaving the countrywhich could mean a deterioration and rupture of diplomatic relations or an even more severe scenario.

The family of the Russian ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, has reportedly left the country and is already in Russia, as have the families of other diplomats from the Russian embassy in Washington and consulate in New York.

The departure of the Russian diplomats' families is linked to a new crisis in relations between Russia and the United States, and Ukraine's permission to use Western weapons to strike deep into Russian territory. Following warnings from Russian President Vladimir Putin and UN Chief of Staff Vasily Nebenzya that if Western weapons were permitted to strike inside Russia, a “state of war between NATO and Russia” would arise. Dmitry Medvedev, in turn, warned that Russia would turn Kyiv into “giant molten spot”.

The former Russian president said on Saturday that Moscow had good reasons use nuclear weapons after the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk and use new technologies to destroy Kyiv.

In the same vein, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Russia is ready to make the US and Britain suffer if they allow Western weapons to be used deep inside Russian territory.

Biden did not authorize long-range missile strikes on Russia

Joe Biden at a meeting with Kiro Starmer last week, statedthat this topic was discussed between the leaders and their teams. Also, the American president rejected Putin's statements that lifting restrictions on Ukraine would be tantamount to NATO entering a war with RussiaHe said he disagreed with the claim, The Telegraph reports.

At the same time, the publication, citing sources, writes that “The deployment of missiles must be part of a broader plan to try to end a full-scale war.”

About the threat the world faces from the situation with permission for missile strikes on Russia, we wrote in the publication “Strategic Fork in the Road. How Russia Will React to Missile Attacks”.

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