September 29, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Impeach Kasselakis – He is no longer the leader of the SYRIZA party (video)

Syriza President Stefanos Kasselakis “Falls from His Pedestal” – the motion to impeach him was passed in a secret ballot.

How writes CNN Greece, voting has been ongoing since Sunday morning, September 8, To approve the impeachment motion, 50% plus one was required, or 148 out of 295 members. The head of the presidium, Nikos Skorinis, announced the results of the vote.

In total, the publication notes, citing information from SYRIZA, 286 members of the SYRIZA Central Committee voted, 210 of them in person and 76 by telephone. The impeachment motion was passed by 163 votes to 120, with opposition party members deciding that the SYRIZA president could not continue to hold office.

It should be emphasized that Kasselakis will no longer serve as acting president, and Nikos Pappas will most likely represent SYRIZA at the TIF as the head of the parliamentary group.

After the motion for impeachment has been passed, as provided by the charter, SYRIZA will have to hold an extraordinary congress. The procedure stipulates that if the vote of no confidence is approved, a congress with a new composition of members will be held, which will determine the procedure for electing the president and nominating candidates. It is indicated that the congress, as the highest party body, has the ability to even cancel the election process and retain the existing leadership.

Mr Kasselakis commented on the process in a wry tone, saying that “now they will decide how to vote in order to vote.” He argues that the vote should be open and by roll call, while his opponents preferred that it be secret.

Let us recall that our publication recently reported about the wedding of Stefanos Kasselakis and Tyler Macbeth, which took place in late August 2024.

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