September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The government banned the rally "Direct democracy" And "Special Forces Veterans Communities"

The authorities banned a demonstration requested for Sunday at 12:00 by the “Constituent National Assembly – Direct Democracy” and a rally on the same day at 10:30 by members of the “Special Forces Veterans Community”.

As he explains ELA, “This ban was imposed, on the one hand, because the organizers failed to notify the local police department of their intention to invite the general public to participate, and on the other hand, because their behavior poses a serious risk to public safety and threatens serious disruption to the socio-economic life of the area, automobile and pedestrian traffic, the operation of the infrastructure and public facilities of the venue.”

In particular, the Special Forces Reservists Community is one of the main civil resistance organizations of the memorandum era with active political activities. And they have repeatedly become a target for both governments and pro-government media. Their main goal is “the abandonment of the policy of subordination to creditors and the coming to power of a truly democratic government.”


The poster was displayed on FB regarding the ban on rallies and demonstrations

The organization's members are special forces reservists, and in 2013 they announced that “The Special Forces Veterans Community wishes to mobilize the Greek people against their enemies. The enemies of the Greek people are the supporters of any form of policy that leads to a national minority, killing the future of the Greeks economically and therefore physically. “Serving foreign and not Greek interests, violating the constitution, massive destruction of social rights, destruction of the country,” They became enemies of the government and pro-government media.

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