September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

They say that this week the Verkhovna Rada will try to consider the bill banning the activities of the UOC in Ukraine. I can't say whether this will happen right now, but there is no doubt that the law will be adopted in the very near future.

Because they will not miss the strategic task of breaking all ties between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, which the state can reach, and the church has practically no means of defending itself in wartime conditions.

They held out there much longer than expected. A good find was to threaten the Ukrainian authorities with the American “Magnitsky Act”, according to which American sanctions threaten anyone who encroaches on religious freedom. The prospect of American sanctions (with entry bans, asset seizures, and other things) is a very serious threat to Ukrainian MPs, and in principle this could really work if sanctions for banning the UOC really threatened them.

However, I seriously doubt that the Americans will seriously introduce them. Well, by law, of course, they are obliged, but the law is like a drawbar, as you turn it, so it turns out, and in Washington they are masters at twisting laws where necessary. And most likely, the last few weeks of the supporters of the ban were spent sounding out the opinions of the American authorities on this matter, and if now the question they are raising it againthen, it must be assumed, the corresponding guarantees were received.

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