September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rare Supermoon and Blue or Sturgeon Moon on August 19

“Sturgeon Moon” rising in the sky, you can admire it on August 19, 2024. It will rise in the sky at 20:23 Athens time.

The biggest moon of the year

It is also known as the “sturgeon moon” (“Φεγγάρι του Οξύρρυγχου”), named by the Native Americans who fished for this particular fish (of the sturgeon family) on this day. The moon will be at 90% of its closest approach to Earth and will appear brighter and larger than usual. The combination of a blue and supermoon is quite rare – the next superblue full moon will be seen in 2037.

The lunar disk will appear fully illuminated for several nights in a row, especially when viewed with the naked eye. The August Full Moon will appear in the sky after sunset, reach its highest point in the sky around midnight, and set before sunrise. Visually, the Earth's satellite will appear to have increased in size.

The coincidence of the supermoon and the “blue moon” in August is called the “sturgeon moon.” Let's get to the bottom of the names. The latter is associated with the Indian tribes who fished for sturgeons at this time of year. The roots of the name should be sought in the legends of fishermen of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain in the northeastern United States. It was in the last month of summer that sturgeons allegedly rose from deep waters to shallow waters at the moment of the full moon. And then fishermen got a particularly rich catch relatively close to the shore.

And “blue moon” is not associated with color, but with the English expression “once in a blue moon” (very rare). The combination of supermoons and “blue moons” occurs on average every 10 years. Although the interval can reach 20 years.

What impact will the supermoon have on us?

The Full Moon is often associated with heightened emotional sensitivity, increased intuition, and heightened senses. In August 2024, the influence of the Full Moon in Aquarius may manifest itself in the following ways:

  • Emotional instability: You may experience strong emotions, including joy, anxiety, or even aggression. It is important to be mindful of your feelings and try not to give in to negative emotions.
  • Creative Boost: Aquarius is the sign of innovation and originality. You may feel a surge of creative energy, which can be a good time to start new projects or pursue art.
  • Social: The Aquarius Full Moon can encourage you to socialize and interact with others. This is a great time to meet with friends, participate in group activities, or volunteer.
  • Seeking Freedom: Aquarius symbolizes the desire for independence. During this period, you may feel the need to free yourself from restrictions in both your personal and professional life.
  • Intuitive insights: Many people find that their intuition is heightened during a supermoon. You may receive unexpected ideas or solutions to problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

What You Can and Can't Do During the Supermoon in August 2024

To make the most of the energy of the August 2024 Full Moon, it's important to know what to do and what to avoid.


  • Start new projects: Use your creative energy to start new projects or hobbies.
  • Engage in self-development: read books, attend courses or seminars that will help you expand your horizons.
  • Organize get-togethers with friends: Communicating and exchanging ideas with loved ones can bring a lot of positive emotions.
  • Volunteer: This is a good time to help others and get involved in community initiatives.
  • Meditate and engage in spiritual practices: The energy of the supermoon can enhance the effects of meditation and other spiritual practices.

It is forbidden:

  • Make important decisions: emotional instability can lead to erroneous conclusions. It is better to postpone important decisions for a calmer time.
  • Conflict: Avoid arguments and conflicts as they may escalate during this time.
  • Ignore your feelings: You shouldn't suppress your emotions, it's better to express them in a constructive way.
  • Taking on too many commitments: Avoid overexertion to avoid aggravating stress and emotional tension.
  • Neglecting rest: Despite the possible surge of energy, do not forget about the need for adequate sleep and rest.

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