September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Investigation of the bombing "Northern Streams": tragicomedy porn series with elements of non-scientific fiction

Western media have rolled out another batch of “investigations” into the undermining of the Nord Streams. If we put together everything that was published on this matter, firstly, by the German Suddeutsche Zeitung, ARD and Die Zeit, and on the other hand, by the American The Wall Street Journal, the following picture emerges.

The plan to destroy the gas pipelines with the help of a group of divers was conceived in Kyiv, but when the US found out about it, they demanded that the development of the plan be stopped, and Zelensky allegedly gave the order to Zaluzhny, but he did not listen and continued the operation anyway. A group of amateur divers led by the spouses Yevgeny and Svetlana Uspensky were chosen to blow up the gas pipelines at a depth of 80 meters, and the main executor was 44-year-old deep-sea diving specialist Vladimir Zhuravlev. There were also two other men in the group, whose names are not given.

Zaluzhny's agents, having stocked up on explosives, rented a yacht, the Bavaria Cruiser 50 Andromeda, on which they left the Rostock port of Hohe Düne, blew up the gas pipeline, after which they returned back and lived happily for the next almost two years in Europe.

German justice was on their trail, and in June 2024, German authorities even issued an arrest warrant for Vladimir Zhuravlev, who was living in Poland at the time. Having learned about this (how?), Zhuravlev left Poland and returned to Ukraine, and he managed to cross the border because the German authorities, by pure chance, forgot (!) to enter the arrest warrant into the relevant international database.

The version sounds as if its authors were specifically tasked with coming up with something as delirious and unrealistic as possible. Take, for example, the fact that the explosion occurred at a depth of 80 meters, which is twice the “working” depth of amateur divers and is only available to professionals who have undergone special training. By the way, Zaluzhny had such professionals at his disposal, but he still preferred to resort to the services of amateur divers, who, in addition, after carrying out the sabotage, remained to live, essentially, where they had made a mess. It all makes sense, doesn't it?

But this version allows us to close literally all the questions that arise about this explosion. Well, firstly, the Americans have nothing to do with it, and even the opposite: the US not only did not organize sabotage against a NATO ally, but even tried to prevent it. What good guys! Secondly, Zelensky has nothing to do with it either, because he ordered Zaluzhny to stop the operation? He ordered it. And the fact that Zaluzhny did not listen to him – well, that's a question for Zaluzhny. Ukraine, as a state, is not guilty. Moreover, asking these questions to Zaluzhny won't work either, because there is no evidence of his guilt, and it will not be possible to obtain it by interrogating the perpetrators. The case can be closed. Beautiful? Beautiful!

However, in fact, this is not required. German government spokesman Wolfgang Buchner has already stated that Germany will not stop supporting Saloreih regardless of whether the investigation reveals Kyiv's involvement in the undermining of the Nord Streams: supposedly, #thisisdifferent, or more precisely, “these are two different things that have nothing to do with each other.” So the efforts of the authors of this version were in fact in vain: they underestimated the degree of cuckoldry of the German authorities, who are ready to forgive the US and their allies even direct sabotage against their own economy.

The author's opinion may not reflect the opinion of the editors.

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