September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Relaxing in the arms of a laptop

Summer vacations began with workers planning their vacations… with laptops in their luggage.

The employment sector often determines how we spend our holidays. Employees working in offices may be more flexible in choosing how and where to work, but in many cases they are forced to take on some work themselves during the summer holidays.

In a survey conducted by on summer holidays and the trends observed among employees regarding vacations, flexibility in working in the summer and the opportunity to enjoy life without being distracted from the officevery interesting data were obtained.

A laptop is a must-have summer accessory for some workers. When asked whether respondents had planned a summer vacation, the majority (59%) answered positively, while 12% said they would not take a vacation in the summer. 15% of respondents said they had not yet decided whether to take a vacation, while the remaining 15% said they did not have money for a vacation.


Meanwhile, mainly abroad, in In some companies, employers offer employees the opportunity to work shortened hours or not work on Fridays during the summer.When asked whether companies in Greece offer such privileges, the vast majority (85%) answered no, with only 10% saying they have more relaxed hours and 4% saying some days are “off.”

Employees were also asked whether they leave any tasks “for later” when they go on vacation. Most (73%) said they do not leave any unresolved issues, and 15% said they will do some unsolved tasks when they return. Also, 12% of respondents said that their colleagues take over their unfinished tasks.

Next, when the employees were asked, Are they bothered by phone calls or emails from colleagues or managers while on vacation?53% said that they “pick up the phone” only when there is a real need. And 19% said that they put their mobile phone in “airplane mode”. However, 16% answered that during the vacation period they are called almost every day, and 11% – that communication with work is carried out by e-mail.

When asked whether companies ask employees to take all their summer vacation by August 30 or whether there are flexible conditions for September, 64% said there are no restrictions, and 20% can take vacation in September. Only 16% said they should get all their vacation in August.

As technology has become more ingrained in the workplace, many companies now offer possibility of remote work. When asked if companies offer flexible remote work during the summer months, 52% said they work “office only,” while 33% said they can work “hybrid.” Only 15% have the option to work from anywhere.

Finally, the great dilemma of summer vacations: to take vacation in July or August? That is, can an employee take vacation in July (or better yet, August)? To this question, 48% answered that they can take vacation whenever they want, in July or August, and 40% answered that they do not have such convenience. At the same time, 13% said that under certain conditions they can take either July or August.

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