September 16, 2024

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Farion Dies in Hospital After Surgery (Video)

As a result of the assassination attempt, Irina Farion received a gunshot wound to the head and died in the hospital after surgery – her heart could not take it.

About death ex-deputy of the Svoboda party reported the chairman of the Lviv OVA Maksym Kozitsky. The head of the anesthesiology service of the First Medical Association of Lviv Natalia Matolinets reported that the patient was admitted to the hospital already in critical condition. She underwent primary surgical treatment of the head, and she was in the operating room on artificial ventilation. Farion was in a state of deep cerebral coma, but her heart stopped.

Attempted murder of Farion after she died reclassified as premeditated murder. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine noted that this refers to Part 1 of Article 115 (premeditated murder) of the Criminal Code, the sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to 15 years. The Ministry noted:

“Law enforcement officers are taking all necessary measures to identify and detain the perpetrator.”

Edition “Country” tells About, What was the former MP Iryna Farion remembered for, a fairly prominent Ukrainian politician whose statements invariably provoked heated debate in society.

Farion was born in 1964. She graduated from Lviv State University and became a member of the CPSU in 1988. The reference for joining the party was signed by the future commandant of Maidan and head of the National Bank Stepan Kubiv, who was a Komsomol functionary at the time.

The first scandal associated with her name broke out in 2010. As a member of the Lviv Regional Council, she visited a kindergarten and was outraged by the names of the children she met – Misha, Masha, Liza, Alena. Farion told the kids that with such names they should “pack their bags and go to Muscovy.” Since then, Farion has been known as the image of the most radical supporter of Ukrainization, which she constantly maintained.

In 2012, Farion became a people's deputy from the Svoboda faction. At the beginning of a full-scale war criticized refugees from the east who speak Russian in Lviv. In January 2023, she said that her grandson was teaching Russian-speaking children Ukrainian “with the help of his little fist.” In November of the same year, Farion got into a big scandal when she said that she did not consider Russian-speaking soldiers, in particular those from the Azov Brigade, to be Ukrainians:

“I can't call them Ukrainians if they don't speak Ukrainian. Let them call themselves Russians then.”

The deputy commander of the 3rd separate assault brigade, Maxim Zhorin, gave a sharp response. calling on law enforcement agencies to pay attention to Farion's activities“which splits Ukrainian society according to FSB manuals.”

Azov Chief of Staff Bohdan Krotevich called Farion “an outright accomplice of Russian propaganda.” Farion responded by declaring the threat of “Bolshevization” of the Ukrainian army and wrote an appeal to Zelensky, Zaluzhny, and Umarov demanding that they deal with Krotevich and Zhorin.

The authorities then turned against Farion. Telegram channels and media outlets close to Bankova criticized her, and The SBU has begun investigating a criminal case against the former MP. This was perhaps the only example since February 2022 of a harsh reaction from the authorities to “attacks” on the Russian language, and it is quite understandable: there are a lot of Russian speakers serving in the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and such statements could undermine the army’s morale.

As a result of the scandal, Farion was fired from Lviv Polytechnic, where she taught, but later she was reinstated through the courts. And she did not retract her statements about Russian-speaking soldiers either.

Considering that during her life Farion was in conflict with a very wide range of people, There may be many different versions of who killed her and why. It is worth noting that after the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, this is the first such high-profile murder of a politician in Ukraine.

The All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda”, of which Farion was a member, came out with statement:

“Moscow shoots at the temple for the Ukrainian language. The murder of Irina Farion was committed on orders from Moscow, regardless of which bastard actually carried it out. Law enforcement agencies must find and punish the perpetrator of this crime. The Ukrainian government must openly name the customer – Muscovy. It is necessary to completely neutralize Moscow's agents, no matter what clothes they dress up in, ban their organizational structures, destroy their financial and material capacity.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky after the assassination attempt on Farion reportedthat the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko and the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasily Malyuk promptly report on the search for the person who attacked her.

According to a friend of the Farion family, with whom UP was able to speak, the professor intended to go from Lviv for a short vacation, because I had not been on vacation for a long time. I planned to spend Friday evening with my family – together with my daughter and two grandchildren, whom I was going to visit. “Literally before the assassination attempt, she called her daughter Sofia and said that she had finished recording a new program for her YouTube and could now rest in peace. She was supposed to go to their place for dinner. She was shot just as she was waiting for a taxi on the street,” – says a friend of the deceased's family.

Farion's close friend and colleague Dmytro Simak was in the hospital when they tried to revive her. He tells UP that the police and the Security Service of Ukraine were in the medical facility.

On the night of July 19-20 The police considered several versions of the reasons for Irina Farion's murder. The main ones were: her social and political activities, as well as personal hostility towards her. This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klimenko during a night briefing. After information about the assassination attempt, he urgently went to Lviv:

Of course, other versions may appear. We already have some information about the commission of this crime, about the execution of this crime, but for now we will remain silent about it, because all versions are being checked.

Another high-ranking law enforcement source said that as of 1 a.m. on July 20, the information regarding two potential perpetrators of the crime had been refuted. The investigation and search for the killer continues. The entire police force of Lviv and part of the Lviv region were involved in the operational activities at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Operatives and investigators from the National Police and the SBU from Kyiv were also sent to the city.

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