September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Young woman's last message hours before her ex-husband killed her

On her Facebook account, a few hours before she was shot dead by her ex-husband, the 36-year-old resident of Amfilohija left a profound post.

The unhappy 36-year-old mother of two wrote: “People who speak with their eyes… who feel with their soul… and love with their actions are special!” In addition, the woman published another post on her Facebook profile, in which she wrote: “Live the way you like, because in the end everyone will bring you… only “condolences.”

At 04:00, the attacker with a gun went to the woman's apartment, which is on the 1st floor. At that time, their 13-year-old daughter was home, who immediately contacted her cousin, who lives on the 2nd floor, and told him that her father came to the house with a shotgun.

The man immediately went down to their home and tried to calm the angry 43-year-old man down with his words. But he couldn't control him. When he heard his ex-wife drive up to the house in her car, he jumped from the first-floor balcony onto the hood. He then fired a shotgun into the windshield of the car and then into the passenger window, killing the woman. The assailant then went behind the car and, holding the shotgun to his head, committed suicide.


According to the information, the young woman was found dead in her car, and a few meters away from her was her ex-husband, who committed suicide with a shotgun that he had used a few minutes earlier.

ELA reported that last Thursday pThe victim filed a lawsuit against the man for illegal domestic violence and threats. The man was also arrested on May 12 for domestic violence, battery, threatening and bodily harm in a lawsuit filed by his ex-wife, who was also arrested in a related lawsuit. Both were later acquitted and released.

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