October 6, 2024

Athens News

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Which Russian cities are against negotiations and support continuing the war in Ukraine

A poll by the Levada Center showed that the majority of those who oppose peace talks between Russia and Ukraine and the end of the war live in the Russian capital.

According to the published survey data, In Moscow, 56% of respondents support the continuation of military action and only 39% support negotiations. In Russia as a whole, 58% support peace negotiations and 37% support military action. The least number of supporters of war in Russian villages – 30%which may be due to the fact that in the Russian Federation more mobilization is carried out in rural areas: 55% there are for negotiations.

There are significant differences in attitudes towards war depending on consumer status. Among wealthy Russians, 40% are in favor of military action (3% more than the national average), while 55% are in favor of negotiations (3% less). The largest number of supporters of peace are among those who only have enough money for food: 31% are in favor of military action, 64% are in favor of negotiations.

The survey data appears somewhat paradoxical in terms of the prevailing stereotypes that “Muscovites are liberal and Westernized,” while the middle and wealthy classes of Russians are against the war.

But this paradox has an explanation. In the capital, due to the high standard and quality of life, there is more loyalty to the actions of the authorities. There was a lower percentage of mobilization here, and the war in the capital of the Russian Federation is not felt.

In the provinces, due to the lower standard of living, social problems come first for people.as studies show. Therefore, the opinion that the war should be ended sooner is more popular there, in order to redirect money to solve these problems.

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