October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Germany to Deport Most Violent Criminals to Afghanistan and Syria

The federal states are drawing up lists of criminals they intend to deport to their countries of origin – Syria and Afghanistan. Since no relevant agreements have been concluded with these countries, the negotiations are being conducted personally by Interior Minister Nancy Feather.

According to BILD, there are a total of 335 people on the deportation lists. Hesse (96 people) and Western Pomerania (71 people) are planning to send the most, while Bavaria (7 people) is planning to send the fewest. At the same time, some federal states are not disclosing information about those they intend to send back to Syria and Afghanistan, fearing that the deportation will not take place.

“Once people went underground, all the preparatory work was in vain. Agreements, booking, escort by federal police officers and so on,” a representative of the interior ministry of one of the states told BILD.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann told BILD that the federal government must make rapid progress on the issue of deporting dangerous criminals – especially murderers, rapists and Islamist agitators. “I very much hope that the first deportation plane to Afghanistan can take off in the next few weeks,” he said.

I wonder if Greece plans to deport Afghans who have been convicted of various types of crimes, including serious ones?

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