October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

On July 6, Greece will hold "Family day"

Supporters traditional family values decided to celebrate Family Day on July 6 and hold “Family Pride” – a parade named in defiance of the so-called “pride parades” held by the LGBT community.

“Pride Family is a family day, a day that will become the basis for the preservation and development of the nation. A holiday for every family, every citizen, your holiday. We are proud of our family. The institution of the family is no longer in crisis,” the organizers said.

Family is health, it is light, it is the future, they say and emphasize the importance of family in the formation of healthy individuals, the education of honest and moral people in society.


The first family parade in Athens will take place on the evening of July 6 in the Paleo Faliro area.


The event is scheduled to start at 19:20. The participants of the “Pride Family” will walk from the monument to submariners in Flisvos Park to the statue of Constantine Palaiologos on the Poseidonos embankment.

On July 6, Greece will hold "Family day"

In Thessaloniki, the organizers have set a gathering point at the White Tower at 19:00.


In Crete, Pride Family will take place in the city of Chania. The start is also at 19:00, and the meeting point is set at the city market.

It is worth noting that the march has not yet been supported by sponsors, unlike pride parades held by the LGBT community, where dozens of large companies and embassies of the so-called “collective West” are listed as sponsors.

The Greek authorities have also not expressed any interest in advertising or any assistance to the organizers; they are apparently not interested the catastrophic demography of Greece, where for every 168 deaths, 100 children are born.

It is precisely by this reaction of the authorities that one can judge their real interest in the future of Greece. After all, it is no secret that LGBT people do not reproduce naturally…

It is noteworthy that the liberal Greek media immediately labeled these events as far-right and declared their participants to be “supporters of the Kremlin.” In particular, the popular Greek edition lifo.gr in a post about the event asked, “But, damn, when and where in the world have heterosexual families been persecuted?” Immediately accusing the organizers of “sympathies for the deeply homophobic Kremlin“.

“Pride Family is essentially another version of some of the Straight Prides that have been organized in the US, Brazil and Hungary in recent years as a counter to LGBTQ+ Pride, but have not received much of a response,” writes lifo.gr author Theodoros Antonopoulos. Stating that “even a person who is not knowledgeable in this matter understands that if there is a definition of paranoia, it is precisely the invention of “family” and “natural” prides”:

Why the hell, when and where in the world have straight families been persecuted, when and where in the world have straight men and women been subjected to ridicule, curses, threats, oppression, verbal and physical abuse, vicious murderous attacks even because of their sexual orientation and gender identity?

The author, an obvious supporter of LGBT values, apparently does not leave his cozy little world and does not notice that the number of Greeks in the country is decreasing every year.

168 deaths per 100 births: a significant demographic deterioration in three years

According to recent published statistics Over the last 14 years, the problem of the birth-death ratio has become particularly acute. The natural balance in Greece has changed its sign to negative for the first time since the post-war period.

The prevalence of elderly people began in the early 1950s, increasing the death rate, while the decline in the number of children led to a decline in the birth rate. The unequal ratio of deaths and births inevitably led over time to the superiority of the former over the latter:

  • Over the three years from 2011 to 2013, 38.5 thousand fewer people were born than died.
  • Over the three years 2017-2019, there were 111 thousand fewer births than deaths.

However, over the three-year period 2020–2022, the imbalance increased significantly, becoming negative by almost 169 thousand (168 deaths per 100 births). The coronavirus epidemic, which caused an increase in mortality, also affected the balance. Although the indicator still remained negative.

These are among the first findings published in the digital bulletin of the Institute for Demographic Studies (IDEM) on the topic of “The deterioration of the physical balance at national and regional level (2020-2022) and its ominous prospects”.

The two authors of this article (Professors Byron Kotzamanis and Vasilis Pappas, founding members of IDEM) also state that the mortality rate will fluctuate around 130 thousand in 2023, and the birth rate per year will be on average significantly less than 82 thousand, because the The number of women of childbearing age will continue to decline.

The prevalence of elderly people began in the early 1950s, increasing the death rate, while the decline in the number of children led to a decline in the birth rate. The unequal ratio of deaths and births inevitably led over time to the superiority of the former over the latter:

  • Over the three years from 2011 to 2013, 38.5 thousand fewer people were born than died.
  • Over the three years 2017-2019, there were 111 thousand fewer births than deaths.

However, over the three-year period 2020–2022, the imbalance increased significantly, becoming negative by almost 169 thousand (168 deaths per 100 births). The coronavirus epidemic, which has caused an increase in mortality, has also affected the balance. Although the indicator still remains negative.

These are among the first findings published in the digital bulletin of the Institute for Demographic Studies (IDEM) on the topic of “The deterioration of the physical balance at national and regional level (2020-2022) and its ominous prospects”.

The two authors of this article (Professors Byron Kotzamanis and Vasilis Pappas, founding members of IDEM) also state that the mortality rate will fluctuate around 130 thousand in 2023, and the birth rate per year will be on average significantly less than 82 thousand, because the The number of women of childbearing age will continue to decline.

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