September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Russia is regaining its position in energy exports: it has overtaken the United States in natural gas exports to Europe

In May, imports of Russian gas into Europe, including liquefied natural gas (LNG),for the first time in two years the volume of imports from the United States exceeded reports the Financial Times.

In Russia it is available in abundance at a low price; in Europe it has become less available. Sanctions against Russian fertilizers in

No. All this gives Russian manufacturers a decisive advantage. Oligarch Andrei Melnichenko, head of the fertilizer company EuroChem, increased his wealth from $11.1 billion in 2022 to $25.2 billion in 2023.

The Russian share accounted for 15% of the total supply, and the American share accounted for 14%, which is the lowest figure since August 2022. The rise in Russian imports was mainly driven by increased LNG supplies and the transport of more gas through Turkey ahead of planned maintenance work.

Russia's move increases its energy influence in Europe, despite efforts EU to reduce dependence on Russian gas. It is worth noting that this event occurred after the Nord Stream gas pipeline exploded, forcing the EU to look for gas in the US and, to a lesser extent, in the Gulf countries.

However, the US obscenity caused by the significant increase in LNG prices has brought Russian gas back to the fore. despite EU sanctions against the Russian Federation.

Germany called for sanctions against nitrogen fertilizers from Russia

This caused serious commotion among the German leadership. Especially against the backdrop of the fact that after the start of the war in Ukraine export of Russian fertilizers to Germany grew by 920%. The production of nitrogen fertilizers requires ammonia, which is processed into urea. This requires large volumes of gas.

In Russia it is available in abundance at a low price; in Europe it has become less available. Sanctions against Russian fertilizers in EU No. All this gives Russian manufacturers a decisive advantage. Oligarch Andrei Melnichenko, head of the fertilizer company EuroChem, increased his wealth from $11.1 billion in 2022 to $25.2 billion in 2023.

“Europe and Germany are in danger that such a policy will lead them to a new dependence on Russia. Politicians are doing nothing about these imports, Antje Bittner, head of the German nitrogen fertilizer plant SKW Piesteritz, told BILD. – Politicians must finally take appropriate measures. For example, introduce sanctions or customs duties on Russian gas-based products to stop financing the war.”

Bundestag member Bernd Westphal, economics representative of the parliamentary faction of the ruling SPD party, agrees with this. “Nitrogen fertilizers should be added to the EU sanctions list against Russia. The EU Commission must speak out on this matter.”he said.

The truth remains: if we finally abandon Russian fertilizers and gas, where will we get energy resources for electricity production, as well as raw materials for the production of fertilizers?

“Europe and Germany are in danger that such a policy will lead them to a new dependence on Russia. Politicians are doing nothing about these imports, Antje Bittner, head of the German nitrogen fertilizer plant SKW Piesteritz, told BILD. – Politicians must finally take appropriate measures. For example, introduce sanctions or customs duties on Russian gas-based products to stop financing the war.”

Bundestag member Bernd Westphal, economics representative of the parliamentary faction of the ruling SPD party, agrees with this. “Nitrogen fertilizers should be added to the EU sanctions list against Russia. The EU Commission must speak out on this matter.”he said.

The truth remains: if we finally abandon Russian fertilizers and gas, where will we get energy resources for electricity production, as well as raw materials for the production of fertilizers?

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