September 28, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

There is an invasion of flying cockroaches in Larisa (video)

Like the previous two years, Larisa is attacked by swarms of flying cockroaches. Mild winters are to blame, experts say.

Their population is large, they say, and this is due to the fact that the area has not previously experienced harsh winters. But this year the phenomenon has become even more intense due to the fact that there were floods a few months ago.

The main feature of this year’s situation is that writes CNN Greece what cockroaches appear in different parts of the city, since the presence of wings allows them to move faster.

Municipal Water Supply and Sewerage Enterprise of Larisa ΔΕΥΑΛ continues spraying in areas with grates. But to achieve a successful result a combination of actions is necessary both on the part of ΔΕΥΑΛ and on the part of citizens with spraying of houses. Agronomist Giorgos Statiris says:

“Three weeks ago, the appearance of many cockroaches this year began suddenly and continues at a rapid pace. The reason is that it was a mild winter and the cockroach nests were not damaged. If we take into account the floods that have occurred, as well as the high temperatures, such a large number is understandable.”

The cockroaches in question belong to the species Periplaneta americana and, according to data found on specialized websites, are the largest species of cockroaches found in our country. The American cockroach prefers humidity and warmth, while avoiding cold climates even for several months of the year.

It is the largest species found in the Western world. Its average size is 4 cm in length and 7 mm in height. Cockroaches are red-brown in color and have a characteristic yellow spot on their head. The insect is extremely maneuverable and can move at speeds of up to 5.4 km/h. It is considered one of the fastest insects in the world. The American cockroach in adulthood develops fully formed wings and can fly, as mentioned on specialized websites. Giorgos Statiris says:

“Several years ago, the phenomenon of these cockroaches was mainly observed in the center of Larisa. But now the problem has become general. In all areas we see specific cockroaches that move easily thanks to their wings.”

According to Konstantinos Argyropoulos, vice-president of ΔΕΥΑΛ and deputy mayor of Larissa, the municipality has received about 120 phone calls in the last 15 days. The company selected by tender carries out spraying inside the gratings. However, the official emphasizes:

“There are 8,500 bars in Larisa. All of them cannot be processed at the same time. But when a citizen calls, he gives us detailed information about the area and the team goes to spray.”

He notes that To achieve the best result, spraying and disinfestation should be carried out almost simultaneously in citizens’ homes or shops.

Interesting facts about cockroaches:

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