September 28, 2024

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Two-day peace summit begins in Switzerland (video)

Today, June 15, Chairman of the Swiss Federal Council Viola Amgerd will open a two-day Global Peace Summit dedicated to discussing the Ukrainian “peace formula”.

How tells “European Truth”, it will last June 15-16 at the resort of Bürgenstock in central Switzerland. The Swiss government said that The purpose of the summit is to “initiate a peace process, create an atmosphere of trust and identify ideas for the next steps towards such a process.”

At the peace conference will participate 100 delegations, including 57 heads of state and government from around the world. Russia was not invited to the summit; it itself repeatedly rejected it. All those present will be given the opportunity to express their vision of a just and sustainable peace in Ukraine.

The summit program includes plenary sessions and discussions on three points of the “peace formula” – nuclear security, food security and the humanitarian dimension. The Swiss government announced:

“The summit also offers the opportunity to discuss for the first time at the highest level how and when Russia can be included in this process. For the (Switzerland) Federal Council, developing a long-term solution ultimately requires the participation of both sides.”

On the eve of the summit in Switzerland corrected problematic provisions the final document of the meeting, which could have undesirable consequences for Ukraine – the text of the decision was changed in recent days. After this, several states that planned to take part in the meeting canceled their trip to Switzerland.

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