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Moscow banks have run out(?) of dollars (video)

After sanctions against the Moscow Exchange, Russian citizens rushed to buy cash currency. But it turned out to be not so simple.

By the morning of Thursday, June 13, some large Russian banks had established clearly protective exchange rates, for example, selling a dollar at 140 rubles, buying at 40 rubles. Perhaps this decision was made to avoid panic, writes publication bfm.ru.

Moscow Exchange stopped trading in dollars and euros, and due to increased demand from the population, bank branches ran out of cash. This was reported by Russian media on Thursday, June 13. “Since yesterday, all the dollars have been taken away,” said an operator at a branch of the Moscow Avangard bank. According to him, at 10 a.m. there was only one old-style $100 bill left in the cash register; there were no other dollars or euros.

A similar situation was observed at Alfa Bank: there were no dollars or euros in the cash register at all. The operator explained that all the currency had been sold out. Alfa Bank in the morning was ready to buy dollars at 87 rubles and sell them at 97 rubles. There were no dollars or euros in 15 Sberbank branches in different areas of Moscow. Cashiers explained their absence by increased demand.

Let us remind you that on May 12, the Moscow Exchange, the National Clearing Center and the National Settlement Depository were included in the US sanctions lists. Following this, Great Britain introduced sanctions against the Moscow Exchange.

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