October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vendetta on the day of the funeral of 11-year-old Vasilika (video)

The house of the killer of 11-year-old Vasilika, her 37-year-old uncle, was engulfed in flames during the mourning ceremonies taking place at that time – yesterday the girl’s funeral was held in Myrtia.

With tears in my eyes and curses at the killer people accompanied the snow-white coffin with the body of the child to the holy church of St. Athanasius Myrtias, and then to the cemetery. Meanwhile, strangers set fire to the hut where the family of the confessed killer lives. Firefighters extinguished the fire before the house was completely destroyed, and no family members were injured. writes newsbeast.gr.

“I asked her to have sex. She refused and said that she would tell her parents. I took a screwdriver that I had in the car and, throwing it on the ground, hit him several times on the back, ribs and neck. I killed her and threw the screwdriver into the swamp,” the killer said during confessions.

He is charged with premeditated murder, attempted rape of a minor, kidnapping of a minor, use of a weapon and carrying a weapon.

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