September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

“The Russian Federation must correct the “historical mistake” of Lenin and Stalin”

A warning was issued to the Baltic countries: we are talking about Narva in Estonia, Daugavpils in Latvia and Klaipeda in Lithuania.

British edition The Daily Mail talks about Russia's intention to seize three cities in NATO countries – this was stated by Major General Nikolai Plotnikov, warning that the Kremlin would invade cities with close ties to Russia, which were once inhabited by people from the Romanov empire and the USSR:

“Return Narva to Russia [Эстония]Dvinsk, now known as Daugavpils [Латвия]and Memel, now known as Klaipeda [Литва]”

Vladimir Putin must correct the “historical mistake” of Lenin and Stalin, Plotnikov, a political scientist and associate professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow, said on state television:

“Young colleagues told me it was time to correct the historical injustices committed by Vladimir Lenin when the Russian Empire collapsed and by Joseph Stalin.”

He warned the three Baltic states to stop supporting Ukraine or face consequences:

“I would advise everyone to [жителям Балтии] don't create problems. Otherwise our people will raise this issue [о вторжении на территорию НАТО с целью подчинить себе три города]”

The publication recalls that such actions will trigger the application of NATO's Article 5, according to which an armed attack on one alliance country is considered an attack on all members of the alliance, as a result of which joint actions are directed against the aggressor.

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