September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metron poll: first ND, second place SYRIZA, K. Velopoulos's share fell from 12% to 6%

New poll Metron Analysis shows New Democracy's continued advantage over Syriza in voting intentions ahead of the European elections.

The most important conclusion is the collapse of K. Velopoulos' “Greek Solution”, which fell from 12% last month to 6%, and the dynamic emergence of A. Latinopoulou with “Voice of Logic” and Andreas Loverdos with “Democrats”.


In particular, voting intentions before the European elections are as follows:

  • ND: 26.8%.
  • SYRIZA: 12.8%.
  • PASOK: 9.9%.
  • KKE: 6.4%
  • Greek solution: 6%
  • Freedom Rate: 3.5%
  • Niki Party: 3%
  • New Left: 2.5%

Niki gets 3.8%, “Voice of Logic” – 2.4% and is very close to entering the European Parliament. Andreas Loverdos is also doing well, gaining 2.3%, “cutting off” the percentage from PASOK N. Andrulakis, who clearly “doesn’t hold up.”


Meanwhile high cost is still the biggest problem facing citizens, accounting for an overwhelming 40%. It is followed by the economy, unemployment, institutional crisis and foreign policy.


When assessing the prime minister and the leader of the opposition, survey participants and respondents tend to rate the former positively (34%), while 19% rate the opposition.



6% have neither a positive nor a negative opinion of both, while 59% appear to have a negative view of the Prime Minister and 72% of the Opposition Leader.


However, most survey respondents express dissatisfaction with the direction the country is heading. In particular, 61% of respondents believe that our country is moving in the wrong direction, and only 33% believe that it is in the right direction.

49% have a positive view of the European Union, 6% are neutral and 43% have a negative opinion.


67% of respondents express interest in the European elections, which is 5 points lower than the 2019 European elections. It should be noted that then the European elections turned out to be a “prelude” to the subsequent national elections, since the wide victory of the ND forced Alexis Tsipras to go to early national elections, while in the current competition there is no such stake, which limits interest. In those European elections, turnout reached 58%, which is not obvious in light of the June 9 elections.




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