September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Nikki Haley: her writing moment "finish them off" on an Israeli shell

Nikki Haley, a former member of the House of Representatives from South Carolina, was photographed writing “finish them off” on Israeli projectiles during a visit to northern Israel near the Lebanese border.

Haley dropped out of the race for the White House in March after a clear defeat by Donald Trump. Congressman Danny Danon, a former Israeli ambassador to the UN, accompanied Nikki Haley, also a former US ambassador to the UN, during her visit near the border. “Finish them off!” – this is what my friend, a former ambassador, wrote,” – Danny Danon wrote in the caption of the photos, which, among other things, showed the Republican writing something with a marker on the projectile.

She also wrote the phrase “America always loves Israel” replacing the word “Love” to the image of a heart. N. Haley did not specify who she refers to “their”. N. Danon suggested that we are talking about the military unit of the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.

“Israel must take the initiative and change the facts. Residents of (Lebanese cities) Tire and Sidon must leave their homes, and residents of the (Israeli) north must return to theirs.” – commented the deputy from “Likud”. He was referring to the thousands of residents of northern Israel who have been forced to flee their homes due to shootings along the border between “Hezbollah” and the Israeli army from the very day the war began in the Gaza Strip.

“Like my daughter Tali Biner, a nurse in her 20s who loves music and her friends. But her life changed forever at the Nova Music Festival. She hid for hours, praying she wouldn't be next, and listened to her fellow concert begging for mercy as they are raped, mutilated and shot by Hamas When she escaped, she tried to treat the victims who were stabbed to death and left to slowly die. Now she bravely tells her story to bear witness to the hundreds who cannot. “raped, tortured, kidnapped and killed simply for being Israeli,” Nikki Haley wrote in X.

This photo appeared days after the Israeli army bombed a Palestinian IDP camp in Rafahkilling at least 45 people and sparking international outrage.

Israeli strike on Rafah camp: 40 dead.  International reaction

In particular, in the United States, President Joe Biden’s policies are increasingly criticized, since Democrats almost unconditionally support Israel. The White House said yesterday that it does not see “major ground operation” in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, and therefore there are no “changes in US policy” regarding Israel. The fact that civilians are dying en masse is not noticed in Washington.

Israeli political and military leaders vowed to destroy Hamas and launched large-scale military operations in the Gaza Strip that killed at least 36,096 people. Most of whom are civilians, according to the Palestinian enclave's Ministry of Health, after the attack “Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades” in the southern sectors of Israeli territory on October 7, which killed 1,189 people, according to a new tally by the French Agency based on the latest available official Israeli data.

Nikki Haley, 52, dropped out of the race for the White House in March after a clear defeat to Donald Trump in the party's election. She assured him last week that she would vote for him in November, so the Republican Party stands united and ready to win the November 5 presidential election.

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