September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Lamia: Tourist bus burned to the ground (video)

A tourist bus carrying five foreigners caught fire on the Lamia-Thessaloniki national road and was completely burnt out. The passengers and driver managed to escape.

The fire started from the engine and the flames quickly engulfed the vehicle.

The driver and passengers managed to escape. The incident occurred on Wednesday, May 22, near the ΠΑΘΕ tunnel above Stylida. Vehicle traffic during firefighting work was carried out in a detour from the Agia Marina intersection to the Stylida intersection, writes CNN Greece.

According to lamiareport, there were five foreign passengers and a driver on the bus. The smoke started as the bus was traveling through the tunnel. Luckily the driver had the self-control to pull out and then stop and investigate the situation.

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