September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greeks pay 50% more for the same products than consumers abroad

The government is trying to combat the dishonesty of multinational companies and introduce restrictions on the prices of the same products sold in both countries EUand in Greece, demanding European intervention from the commission.

This especially needs to be done (price levels) in the food sector. As can be seen from the latest Eurostat announcement, prices in Greece are rising at different rates relative to the eurozone. Comparing the main products in Greek and French supermarkets, you may find that the same products can be found at a higher price in Greece. Consumers notice this and wonder why this is happening.

In Greece, food inflation was 5.3% in April, while in the eurozone it was below 2% (1.9%).

According to Eurostat, Greece ranks second in price increases for eggs, vegetables and olive oil. At the same time, the increase in oil prices in our country is actually 63.7% compared to 57.2% in the eurozone. Greece ranks third in terms of the cost of lamb.

The Greek Prime Minister is sending a letter to the commission, as he announced in an interview with SKAI, asking it to intervene to stop the arbitrary pricing of multinational corporations in the various countries of the union.

“Will we have a single market? Why do we tolerate price differences in Greek supermarkets compared to supermarkets in other countries?” — the journalist asked during an interview with the Prime Minister. “I will ask for European intervention so that we have price harmonization“, he emphasized.

SKAI conducted research on the shelves of Italian and French supermarkets, where prices for many products are clearly lower than in Greece. We can find exactly the same product, the same brand at a price 50% less in a French or Italian supermarket, while wages in these countries differ significantly from ours. Let's look at four products from the same brands, in the same packaging:

  • FLAKES. Greece: 4.93 euros – France: 2.59 euros.
  • SPAGHETTI No. 5. Greece: 1.30 euro – Italy: 1 euro
  • PASTA SAUCE (JAR). Greece: 3.15 euros – Italy: 1.95 euros.
  • CEREAL bars. Greece: 3.80 euros – Italy: 2.95 euros.

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