September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, 13,000 children have become orphans

As of the beginning of April, more than 13 thousand children in Ukraine acquired the status of an orphan or deprived of parental care. The country launched a special website “Ukraine for every child”.

On the Unified State Onlineadoption platform and family forms of raising children contains, writes “UP”, all the necessary information regarding adoption, reported at the Ministry of Social Policy. On it you can:

  • get a step-by-step algorithm of actions to accept a child into your family;
  • learn about adoption, foster care and family forms of education;
  • use the “Care Line” and find the right expert;
  • get acquainted with the stories of children and families who already have experience of adoption or upbringing in family forms.

The site also has an online course “Born by the Heart,” consisting of four modules and containing video lectures for those who plan to accept orphans or children deprived of parental care into their family. The training is absolutely free.

The launch of the platform is the first step towards digitalization* of the child care and support system. According to the Ministry of Social Policy, in Ukraine at least 4 thousand children are left without parental care every year. Adopting a child into a family will now become easier: the Ministry of Health is introducing an electronic medical examination certificate for people who want to adopt an orphan.

*The definition of “digitalization” includes both website creation and representation on social networks. This is the translation of all types of information (text, audiovisual) into digital form.

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