September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vravrona: the corpse of a premature baby was found in a garbage dump with head injuries (video)

A dead premature baby was found in the Vravrona landfill, covered in blood and with a head injury. His father admitted to the crime, but claims he was dead when he threw him into the trash can.

An autopsy is expected to reveal whether the newborn was dead when he was thrown into the trash. His thirty-year-old father, originally from Nepal, claims that his wife gave birth to the baby.

The woman, also a Nepalese national, was eight months pregnant and gave birth on Thursday evening at the hotel where the couple were staying. Bleeding, she was transported to a state maternity hospital, but without a fetus. Doctors could not determine whether she gave birth or had a miscarriage. Edition writesWhat her husband claims in his testimony is that he did not know about the pregnancy.

Cleaners from the Markopoulos municipality encountered a gruesome discovery yesterday when they discovered a dead baby. Police searched the hotel room where the couple was staying and found blood on the walls and sheets. Police also found a video of the hotel grounds, which showed the father of the newborn – he put the child in a bag and threw it in a trash can.

The 30-year-old mother is under guard in hospital. If the autopsy reveals that the fetus was alive when the man threw it in the garbage, the couple could face very serious charges of attempted murder and murder.

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