October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Detailed instructions from the fire service in case of a possible fire (video)

Fire service, on the occasion of the official the beginning of the fire season, Provides instructions for preventing and responding to possible fires.

“Identification of measures and means to prevent and prevent fires in forests, forest, meadow and agricultural zones, parks and groves of cities and residential areas, zones with a special protection status, other zones close to them, and on land plots”applies from May 1, 2024, according to the new fire department decree No. 9/2024.

We all have a responsibility to keep these areas clean during fire season. If you see smoke, flames or anything that could cause a fire:

  • Call the fire department immediately on 199 or 112.
  • Call us now! Don't assume anyone else has called before.

Do not hang up until you have provided all the required information:

  • your exact location,
  • exact location and direction of fire,
  • wind intensity in the area
  • the type of vegetation that is burning.

Leave this area immediately. Make it easier for the fire brigade to access. Follow the safety rules.

If you are outdoors:

  • Avoid burning trash, dry grass and branches during the summer months.
  • Do not light barbecues outdoors in the forest or in areas where there is dry grass in summer.
  • Avoid work that could cause a fire (for example, welding, using a wheel or other spark-producing tool).
  • Do not throw away lit cigarettes.
  • Don't leave trash in the forest. There is a risk of fire.
  • Observe access restrictions during high-risk periods.

If your home is in or near a forest:

  • Create a fire zone around the house, clearing a radius of at least 10 meters from dry grass and leaves, pine needles and branches.
  • Trim trees to a height of 3 meters depending on their age and condition.
  • Remove dead branches from trees and shrubs.
  • Do not allow tree branches to touch the walls, roof and balconies of the house. Trim them, leaving a distance of at least 5 meters from the house.
  • Thin out the woody vegetation so that the branches of one tree are at least 3 meters away from the branches of another. For even greater protection, remove tree and shrub vegetation from a distance of at least 10 meters around the building, provided that the clearing of natural vegetation imposed for the protection of buildings does not in any way contravene the sanitary regulations of forestry legislation
  • Do not install plastic gutters or pipes in the walls of your home.
  • Do not install shutters made of flammable materials on windows and balcony doors.
  • Make sure that chimney caps and vents in your home are made of non-flammable material to prevent sparks.
  • Do not store flammable items near your home.
  • Place firewood in closed and protected areas.
  • Do not build open fuel tanks near your home.
  • Buy suitable fire extinguishers and take care of their maintenance.
  • Bring along a watering hose that is the same length as the area you want to protect.
  • Equip yourself with a water tank, a simple pump that works without electricity, and a water hose.

If fire is approaching your home:

  • Keep calm.
  • Move all flammable materials around the building to closed and protected areas.
  • Close all passages (chimneys, windows, doors, etc.) to prevent embers from entering the home.
  • Turn off natural gas and heating oil supplies inside and outside your home.
  • Collect awnings on balconies and windows.
  • Make it easier for fire engines to access by opening your garden gate.
  • Place the ladder outside the house, facing the direction of the fire, so that direct access to the roof is possible.
  • Connect the watering pipes and spread them out so that the perimeter of the house is covered.
  • If visibility is poor, turn on interior and exterior lights to help you see through the smoke.

Once the fire is out:

  • Leave the house and immediately extinguish any remaining small fires.
  • Check the perimeter and exterior of the home for outbreaks at regular intervals for at least 48 hours.

If the fire reaches your home:

  • Do not leave the building unless your escape is completely guaranteed.
  • Don't get in the car. The likelihood of survival in a house made of non-combustible materials is much greater than in a car in smoke and flames.

If you stay at home:

  • Close doors and windows tightly.
  • Seal the cracks with a damp cloth to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Remove the curtains from the windows.
  • Move furniture near windows and exterior doors inside rooms.
  • Close intermediate doors to slow the spread of fire.
  • Fill your bathtub, sinks and buckets with extra water.
  • Get everyone together in one room.
  • Be sure to bring a flashlight and spare batteries in case of a power outage.
  • If your house is made of wood, seek refuge in a built house.
  • If an orderly evacuation of the area is ordered, strictly follow the instructions of the authorities and the routes provided to you.
  • Fire is not a spectacle. In any case, for your safety, strictly follow the instructions of the competent authorities.

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