September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Study: Covid kills sex drive in women

Researchers from Vermont, Massachusetts and California compared the sex lives of more than 1,300 women, half of whom had never had Covid and the rest had had it in the past. They also examined the participants’ mental state and stress levels.

According to the findings, women who did not survive coronavirus had significantly higher levels of sexual desire and satisfaction compared to others.

During the experiment, scientists examined 1313 women of 4 age groups: from 18 to 20, from 21 to 30, from 31 to 40 and over 41 years. They then divided them into 3 additional groups:

  • Who has never had Covid.
  • Who has ever been sick?
  • Who suffers from long Covid, according to symptoms defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Participants were given questionnaires that included questions related to their sexual activity. Women who had the condition had 8.5% lower sexual desire and 3% lower satisfaction. Those who had Long Covid had 12% fewer desires and 5% less satisfaction.

Researchers said they are largely unsure how exactly the coronavirus “kills sex drive in women.” Presumably this may be due to the fact that Covid-19 is associated with changes in blood flow in our body.

Amelia Stanton, study author and assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Boston University, noted, among other things: “Covid appears to be affecting the sexual well-being of men and women on more than just a psychological level. As previous studies have confirmed, especially if a person has Long Covid, blood flow to the genitals may change, causing them to be less sensitive.

Our study is the first to highlight the impact of Covid-19 on women’s sexual health. Undoubtedly sexual dysfunction is a serious issue and both men and women need support and proper guidance regarding their sexual health.”

The study was published in the academic journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

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