September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Testimony of a 71-year-old killer who sent him to the next world "lady of the heart"

The testimony of the old man who sentenced his young life partner to death is shocking. The tragedy that unfolded in the first days of December in Salamis caused a wide public outcry.

Caught and arrested, the 71-year-old killer appears to have no remorse for his crime: “She didn’t deserve to live, she didn’t respect me… I was determined to do what I did.”

The old man confessed to the murder of his partner, 43-year-old Georgia, committed on Tuesday, December 5 in Salamis. As reported, the woman temporarily lived in her mother’s house, hiding from her aggressive “boyfriend.”

Last Saturday, that is, 4 days ago, a woman crossed the threshold of the Salamis police station, filing a domestic violence claim. According to her, on Friday evening (December 1), at 22:40, while the couple were in the house together, there was a violent argument between them. At the same time, the man hit her, threatened her and generally behaved inappropriately. After the “showdown,” the applicant’s partner allegedly grabbed her mobile phone and left somewhere.

Police invited the woman to download and activate the “panic button” application and use it if she was in danger. The woman agreed with the “parting words” of law enforcement agencies and did everything necessary. At the insistence of the police, she went to her mother’s place, rather than to where she lived with the suspect.

The authorities began searching for the citizen at his home on the island, as well as in other places that he often visited. However, they failed to detect him in the context of being “detained red-handed”, as a result of which the “operation to capture the culprit” failed. The jealous man was never found and, accordingly, was not arrested.

On December 5, just a few days after contacting police, the woman was found dead with gunshot wounds to the abdomen and chest. According to preliminary information, The attacker killed the “lady of the heart” through the glass of the front door – she did not have time to press the panic button. The tragedy occurred around 9:30 am on Tuesday, December 5th.

Now the police began seriously to search for the inadequate old man. And of course, I discovered it immediately. An elderly man, as if nothing had happened, was sitting in one of the coffee shops (kafeinio) in Keratsini with his friends. And he seemed to be in a good mood.

In his confession, the perpetrator of the murder of a woman, which shocked the Greek public, cynically declares the reasons that led him to brutal reprisals:

“I decided to do this from the moment I caught her with someone else. She didn’t appreciate what I did for her. I caught her cheating and decided to “teach her a lesson.” She didn’t deserve to live… Of course, I’m very sorry for the child (Georgia’s 15-year-old son from her first marriage). I love him, it’s a pity that now he will be left alone… So I waited until the guy left the house… And only then I went to deal with this… I didn’t leave Salamis after the incident (meaning when he beat Georgia, and she reported him to the police) and slept in the car since Friday evening.

I knew what time the boy left, and as soon as this happened, I went into the house. I shot Georgiy three times. I was initially determined to do this. I purchased a pistol from a local gypsy three days ago for 400 euros.

After “everything was done,” I arrived in Keratsini at the cafe, where my acquaintances and friends usually sat. I drank my coffee and then returned to the car. I was thinking: either I should give up or commit suicide.”

Video from the cafe where the criminal came after committing the crime:

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