September 8, 2024

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The US is preparing for threats from Russia and China (video)

The United States is preparing for a strategic confrontation on two fronts. Reuters writes that threats from China and Russia will worsen in 2027-2035.

In an interview with the publication, a source in Washington said the United States must prepare by expanding its conventional forces, strengthening alliances and intensifying its nuclear weapons modernization program.

In the capital of America, tells BB.LV, passed a bipartisan congressional commission on the strategic position of the United States. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior official involved in the report, who declined to say whether the intelligence team’s briefings indicated any cooperation between China and Russia on nuclear weapons, said:

“We worry that perhaps there is somehow an ultimate coordination between them that leads us to this concept of two wars.”

The results would upend the current U.S. national security strategy, which calls for winning one conflict while containing another, and would require a huge increase in defense spending with uncertain congressional support. In the foreword to the report, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs Madeleine Creedon and Vice Chairman Jon Kyl, a retired Republican senator, stated:

“We recognize the fiscal realities, but we also believe the country must make these investments.”

Keel noted that the US President and Congress must “make it clear to the American people” that increased defense spending is a small price to pay “to hopefully prevent” a possible nuclear war involving the US, China and Russia.

The report flies in the face of Biden’s position that the current US nuclear arsenal is sufficient to deter the combined forces of Russia and China. The panel agreed with the Pentagon’s prediction that China’s rapid expansion of its nuclear arsenal would likely give it 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035, pitting the United States against its second major nuclear-armed rival for the first time.

The report notes that threats from China and Russia will escalate in 2027-2035, so “decisions must be made now to ensure the country is prepared.” The thirty-year US nuclear modernization program, which began in 2010 and was estimated in 2017 to cost approximately $400 billion by 2046, must be fully funded for modernization on schedule. Additional recommendations included:

  • the deployment of more tactical nuclear weapons in Asia and Europe;
  • developing plans to station some or all of the United States’ reserve nuclear warheads;
  • producing more B-21 stealth bombers and new Columbia-class nuclear submarines beyond the number currently planned.

The group called for an increase in the “size, type and deployment” of U.S. and allied conventional forces. If such measures are not taken, the US will “likely” have to increase its dependence on nuclear weapons.

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