September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mid-season sales start May 3

Mid-season sales for retail stores will begin on Tuesday May 3rd, with stores having the option to reopen next Sunday May 8th.

Mid-season sales continue 15 calendar days, from May 1 to May 15.

“We inform you that the period of intermediate spring discounts in the current legislation lasts 15 calendar days, from May 1 to May 15. Therefore, this year, intermediate discounts will begin on Tuesday 3 May,” the ESA said in a statement, recalling that, by decision of the Minister of Labor, this year’s May Day holiday is postponed to Monday, 2 May 2022.

For intermediate discounts, in addition to indicating the old and new reduced prices of goods and services sold at a discount, it is allowed to indicate the percentage of the discount.

According to the circular of the Ministry of Development and Investment, the shops may operate, if desired, on Sunday 8 May, with an estimated opening time of 11:00 to 18:00 suggested by the Athens Chamber of Commerce.

In a statement, the president of the Athens Merchants’ Association, Stavros Kafounis, voiced his members’ objections to the introduction of off-season sales:

“Expressing the demand of all entrepreneurs and bodies representing consumers, I hope that this is the last time we see this outdated institution of the off-season sale, which creates distortions in the market and does not allow lower starting prices for all goods from the beginning of the season“.

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