September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Attack with sulfuric acid: who is this man, who caused the tragedy

The case that shook the whole of Greece, the massacre with the use of sulfuric acid, when one rival doused the other, became a vivid example of how jealousy can lead to crime, and daily life collapse in one moment.

The victim Ioanna Paliospiru, who was attacked on May 20 last year in Kallithea, has undergone more than a dozen face reconstruction surgeries, comes to court with mental strength and grandeur whenever it is necessary to find out why her life was destroyed. Alas, the girl has not yet received any intelligible answer to her question.

According to the latest information, the criminal Efi is not going to speak yet. Even next Thursday, October 14, when she is in court again, she has no intention of apologizing. The woman will simply “tell you how it all happened.”

Nevertheless, everyone expects that the accused will finally repent and explain what really happened, as a result of which she went to such a terrible crime.

Who is this “unknown” man, because of whom the tragedy occurred
According to the available information, we are talking about a third person, a man. It seems that he played a key role, and it was he who prompted (without knowing it) to such a strong hatred, which resulted in a terrible crime. The man’s identity has been established. He is under investigation, although he has not yet been summoned to the judicial authorities. It is awaiting receipt of the necessary information regarding him.

The defendant is expected to testify in court this Thursday, and her victim, who will be in the courtroom again, hopes to find out the reason for the monstrous attack again.

The defendant’s lawyer Efi Kakaranzuly, lawyer Sakis Kehagioglu, advises her to start showing a different profile, as she should become as open as possible to the media. Appear as a victim of an alleged conspiracy, and that she was advised to this by the words of the spiteful critics around her people.

Probably, questions of psychological instability may arise, as well as general problems for Efi, since the defense intends to “knock off the term.” Communication of the accused with fortune-tellers on Tarot cards and others can give the jealous woman some kind of “excuse” in terms of mental instability (show her overwhelmed by paranoia and obsessions).

The 35-year-old woman’s lawyer says: “My client took responsibility for her actions, apologized to the victim and her family for the pain and suffering caused, stressing that she never wanted her dead.” Sakis Kehagioglu emphasizes that his client also said that she “would like to return to the past and change everything.” According to the lawyer, the motive for the attack was “overwhelming jealousy, leading to despair, and hatred of John in a very important personal matter that she would not want to talk about.”

As the “Russian Athens” wrote earlier, almost 10 months after the attack on Ioanna in Kallithea, when a jealous rival doused her with sulfuric acid, the girl is still at the stage of recovery.

She found the strength and courage to publicly show her face, giving the magazine “OK!” the right to publish her photo. After 10 operations, the girl, whose life collapsed overnight, is now forced to wear a hard plastic mask that “holds” her face and helps stabilize the healing tissues. But still, the burns on her face are noticeable, as well as on her hands. Maria Kalofonu, director of the plastic surgery and burn department at Triasio Hospital, told in the Ευτυχείτε program that Ioanna knew from the first moment about her health condition and prognosis. “The burns are very deep and widespread, spread over a large part of the body. In addition to the face, the hands and chest were affected. There are some burns on the side and back. Joanna knew the truth from the first moment. During the first few days, we gradually told her how things really were and never lied to her. She knew from the very beginning that she had a long way to go, ”says Johanna’s doctor. The doctor also mentioned the mask that John is wearing: “It has functional utility. It is a tool that aids healing and prevents the skin from pulling in the wrong direction. It also helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin. The big problem with burns is that the scars pull the face in unwanted directions. This is one of the biggest problems in plastic surgery and a mask like this is one way to deal with it. Joanna saw her face before leaving the hospital. She behaves very courageously. “This is a person who takes his problem very seriously,” says the doctor. Recall that 35-year-old Efi K., who poured acid on John, has not yet apologized for what she had done, although her guilt has been fully proven.

Course of events

In the metropolitan area of ​​Kallithea, on May 20, 2020, a “showdown” took place between two women. One doused the other with sulfuric acid. At the same time, 34-year-old Ioanna was admitted to the hospital in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed a chemical burn of 20% of the patient’s body. Law enforcement agencies immediately launched an investigation into the brutal, personally motivated attack. According to preliminary information, the attacker committed the crime out of hatred and jealousy.

The victim of the crime, a young woman, went to work in the office that day. At 09:40 she entered the entrance of the building located on Fiseos Street (Kallithea) and stopped at the elevator. At that moment, a “dressed in black” woman in a protective mask approached her and suddenly splashed some liquid on her. As it turned out, it was sulfuric acid that got on the face and body of the victim. According to eyewitnesses, the criminal immediately retired, running across Fiseos Avenue, and took a taxi.

Joanna began to scream in pain, and passers-by immediately rushed to her aid. The girl was taken to the nearest pharmacy, where the pharmacist helped the victim to take off the clothes that had literally melted and adhered to the skin, and provided first aid.

For three months the patient was treated in the burn center of the Triasio hospital. At the moment, she underwent 10 recovery operations and was discharged home. Alas, John still has a long road to recovery.

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