October 16, 2024

Athens News

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Raids in Kyiv in search of Ukrainians unregistered for conscription (video)

In the Ukrainian capital and a number of other large cities, raids were carried out by military registration and enlistment offices to check documents on military registration.

Euronews edition remindsWhat All Ukrainian men between the ages of 25 and 60 are subject to conscription for military service, and they are also prohibited from leaving the country. Looking for unregistered for military conscription men, employees of the Ukrainian TCC (military registration and enlistment offices) conducted raids on restaurants and bars, and looked into a concert hall in Kyiv.

They checked documents on military registration. According to eyewitnesses, several people non-compliantwere detained. Officers raided the Sports Palace after a concert by the Ukrainian rock band Okean Elzy.

In videos broadcast by the media, officers standing at the doors of the concert hall intercept people leaving. The footage shows police forcibly restraining some of the men. According to the publication hromadske, several men were detained and summonses were issued.

Checks were carried out both at the elite Goodwine shopping center and at the popular Avalon restaurant. The head of the parliamentary committee on humanitarian and information policy, Nikita Poturaev, welcomed the raids. He stated that this should happen on an ongoing basis:

“I welcome such checks and believe that they should be end-to-end and ongoing. And everyone should know about it.”

Such raids are unusual for the capital and reflect Ukraine’s need for fresh recruits for the army, the publication notes. Local media reports that similar checks were carried out in clubs and restaurants in other Ukrainian cities, including Kharkov and Dnepr.

This year, Kyiv has intensified its mobilization campaign. Came into force in the spring new lawaccording to which conscripts must enter their data into an online system, otherwise they face penalties. Citizens liable for military service who have not updated their data by July 16 may receive fines from 17 thousand to 25.5 thousand hryvnia. A separate fine can be received for failure to pass the IVC.

Our publication previously reported that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced changes to the procedure for reserving citizens from mobilization.

Ukrainian men abroad will be finedsays the lawyer:

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