October 9, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: No births have been registered in villages and small islands for many years

The biggest national threat is the insufficient birth rate in our country, since in recent years the population of Greece steadily and consistently» is declining, while there are villages and islands where there has been no registration for several years not a single birth.

To ensure the continued existence of a nation, the fertility rate must be maintained above 2.1 children per woman, and in the last (many) years it has fallen to 1.3. The country's scientific community is sounding the alarm and calling ominous figures for the future, but the state seems helpless in solving the demographic problem.

The above was discussed at the 15th Panhellenic Conference of Small Islands, held on October 4-6 on the island of Milos. The conference brought together representatives of the government, the European Parliament, local authorities, as well as educational and innovation circles to exchange views on such critical issues as: such as transport in small island communities, water scarcity, energy autonomy, environment and society. The most important session of the conference was the problem incomplete generationwhich “affects small communities”and its impact, especially on small islands.

In 2022, our country recorded its lowest number of births. The phenomenon of insufficient fertility in Greece, as well as the aging population, is a fact that has been constantly evolving over the past 35-40 years. In 2022, our country recorded the lowest number of births in the last 92 years, said Nikolaos Zygouropoulos, MD, ARSOG, AFRSH, MBA (INSEAD), MChem (University of Oxford), gynecological obstetric surgeon, academic researcher, assistant professor at the University Medicine and Pharmacy “Karol Davila”.

Greece has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe, he added, noting that some villages had gone for years without a single birth.. He added that for the preservation of the nation/country/region, the fertility rate must be maintained above 2.1 children per woman for a long time.

The Greek Intermunicipal Network of Healthy Cities and the Hellenic Society of Reproductive Medicine (SCRM) presented their proposals to solve the problem of insufficient fertility. Their representatives elaborated on the AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) blood test, which the Prime Minister announced free of charge at TIF. According to them, it can become a vital tool for women, allowing them to learn about their ovarian reserve in time.

This knowledge turns out to be necessary for planning your life and making informed decisions regarding your fertility.”said the President of the IUA and the Greek Intermunicipal Network of Healthy Cities, Giorgos Patoulis.

Through health centers, EDDYPY has launched a campaign to raise public awareness about the importance of preventive measurement of the AMI Fertility Index. According to Patulis, this action will be extended to small islands. “We are committed to providing comprehensive information about the need for AMH so that couples, especially young women, understand how important it is to get this test.

It is symbolic that in this context, the Greek Intermunicipal Network of Healthy Cities will provide 500 free tests to women on our 40 small islands,” he emphasized. “Low fertility is a major challenge to the social and economic development of small islands. With population decline, the sustainability of these communities is at risk,” – said Patulis.

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For the 4th year in our country there has been a negative balance between fertility and mortality. If there is no structured policy that encourages young families to have a child, we will get extremely negative data for our country.” It is estimated that in 2050 the population of Greece will not exceed 7.5 million people“, he said.

“It’s time to move beyond simply stating the fact of low fertility, which we all know exists, and move on to more significant action, not only through financial support measures, but also by raising public awareness about fertility prevention and conservation.”, said the head of the Greek Society of Reproductive Medicine, Konstantinos Pantos. He said that in our country there is a significant lack of information about the physiology of fertility.

Only one in 10 women knows that after 35 years of age, a gradual decline in ovarian reserve begins, which reaches its peak after 40 years of age. 48% claim that the chances of conceiving naturally at age 40 are 30-50%, while in reality they are between 3-5%… 60% name the Internet as the main primary source of information, and only 24% name school.

The above data comes from a survey conducted by the Hellenic Society of Reproductive Medicine. “If you realize these numbers, you can come to the conclusion that the degree of ignorance of people in such a fundamental and personal issue that concerns them is dramatic.”, said Mr. Pantos. He added that “the chances of having a child fall at the same rate with age, whether through natural or assisted reproduction. This is fundamentally important to consider in any update.” he emphasized.

“Low fertility is a major challenge for the social and economic development of small islands,” – summed up the head of the Greek Society of Reproductive Medicine, Konstantinos Pantos.

The first baby of 2023 was born in Crete

Help “AN”: According to statistics, in recent years the age of marriage in Greece has risen to 30.5 years. Approximately the same age (31 years) corresponds to the age at which the first child is born. At the same time optimal age for having a babyaccording to research, ranges from 20 to 35 years old. At this age women usually have greater fertility and fewer health risks for both mother and child.

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