October 7, 2024

Athens News

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A 55-year-old mushroom picker in Slovakia lost a battle with a bear (video)

A bear attack on a 55-year-old mushroom picker resulted in the latter's death. The tragedy occurred in the north of Slovakia on October 5.

Euronews edition tellsthat a man was picking mushrooms in a forest in a remote area, near the village of Haibe (Liptovsky Mikulas district) in the High Tatras. Other mushroom pickers nearby witnessed the incident. They called for help.

A police patrol and a helicopter with an ambulance immediately flew to the scene of the emergency. The special response service for incidents involving bears of the Slovak State Department of Nature Protection was notified.

Air-Transport Europe (EMS), a helicopter emergency medical service, reported on social media that the predator hit one of the main arteries in the mushroom picker's leg during the attack, causing severe bleeding. Despite the efforts of doctors, the victim died.

This is the second fatal bear attack in Slovakia, the first occurring in 2021 in the same area. And if in the 20s of the last century there were only 30 bears in Slovakia, but now their number exceeds 2,700 individuals. Sometimes bears attack people, but such clashes, as a rule, do not end so tragically.

Lately, bears have also become a significant problem in Romania, which has the largest bear population in Europe. The government has introduced tougher measures against tourists who feed bears, dangerously changing the behavior of the predators.

Previously we told about how in Greece a wild bear cub found “shelter” in the backyard of a residential building. Wildlife protection experts note that most often bears come out to people from hunger. To avoid attracting bears, do not leave food waste in open trash cans.

Do you want to witness for a few minutes encounters with a bear in the forest and more? Then these videos are for you:

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