October 5, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine: change in order of reservation from mobilization

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made changes to the procedure for reserving citizens from mobilization.

This is stated on the official website of the Cabinet of Ministers. The government clarified requirements for information to be providedchanging the procedure for booking those liable for military service during martial law using the Unified State Web Portal of Electronic Services (Diya Portal). This is stated in Resolution of October 1, 2024 No. 1125.

The reservation lists “include those liable for military service who are registered for personal military service with the relevant government agency, enterprise, or institution.” The data list should contain the following information:

  1. details of the military registration document (in paper or electronic form);
  2. military specialty;
  3. date of clarification of military registration data.

In case of a positive result of the check carried out using the Register of Military Personnel, The transfer of a person liable for military service to special military registration for the duration of the deferment is carried out automatically. But only if the person liable for military service:

  • is registered with the military and has a military registration document (in paper or electronic form);
  • clarified the data on being registered with the military;
  • is not wanted.

On October 1, People's Deputy Alexey Goncharenko stated on his Telegram channel that A resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers grants the right to the commander of a military unit to give a referral to the Military Military Command in order to determine the degree of suitability of a serviceman for military service.

Commanders of military units will also be given the right to recruit combat military units at the expense of volunteers who express a desire to serve under conscription. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to determine the list of military units whose commanders call up reservists and those liable for military service.

Let us recall that back in June the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced work on online referrals to the military medical commission (VLK). This function will be launched in the fall, Ekaterina Chernogorenko, Deputy Head of the Minister of Defense, told Forbes Ukraine on August 29.

Each user of the Reserve+ application will be able to independently generate a direction to the VLK. It will have the same force as a paper document. The Deputy Minister of Defense noted that this function will reduce the number of visitors to the TCC. Those liable for military service who do not want to stand in lines can generate a referral and go through the VLC. Now the direction can only be obtained in person at the TCC.

After examination, the person liable for military service receives the status “fit” or “unfit” for military service in wartime conditions. Previously, there was a status of “limitedly suitable”, but it was abolished by presidential decree.

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