September 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Road tolls: amounts will not change from 2025. Fines for late payment

Road tolls (τέλη κυκλοφορίας) are expected to 2025 year will be issued unchanged. The Ministry of Finance is reviewing the system of road charges, which are paid by almost 5.5 million vehicle owners.

Road tax invoices will be issued in about a month and a half, and they must be paid before December 31. A special working group under the Ministry of Finance has already started its work, taking on the task of reforming and updating the framework of turnover charges for passenger cars, formulating opinions on regulatory and legislative mechanisms, developing and studying new technological economic, social and environmental developments, as well as the conditions, provisions and criteria for setting the cost of charges.

Road tolls

According to the plan, a new system of fines for those who do not pay road tax on time will be introduced from 2025. In particular, a graduated fine will be introduced depending on the time of delay in payment. According to the new system, the sooner the debt is paid after the deadline, the smaller the fine imposed on violators will be.

Currently, a horizontal fine equal to twice the value of the annual fee is imposed regardless of the length of the delay in payment, even if it is made one day later than the due date. The aim of the proposed changes is to rationalise the fines and at the same time ensure that the budget receives 1.2 billion euros from the road tax.

Fines for non-payment of road tax

Since this year it has become traditional there will be no deferment of payment (for now), and fines will be assessed depending on the delay in payment. Let us remind you that payment road tax can be done through the tax website, without codes link. The fines will be structured as follows:

  • Payment in January: +25% of the contribution amount
  • Payment in February: +50% of the contribution amount
  • Payment from March 1 onwards: +100% fees.

From January 1, 2025, vehicle insurance will also become mandatory in case of natural disasters.

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