September 24, 2024

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Daily Express: Ukrainian justice system accused of aiding war criminals and persecuting businessmen

The British newspaper Daily Express writes about the appalling conditions of detention and torture prisoners in Ukrainian prisons, and that due to massive human rights violations, European courts are increasingly refusing to extradite Ukraine.

The publication also writes that Ukrainian security agencies are actively using criminal cases to blackmail and extort entrepreneurs. It cites statements from 42 prominent representatives of Ukrainian business who expressed their concern to Zelensky this year about the pressure on business and “the use of martial law by corrupt law enforcement officials to extort money from businessmen.”

The recent police raid on one of Ukraine's leading investment brokerage companies, Concorde, and the arrest of its owner, Igor Mazepa, comes to mind. The publication notes that many entrepreneurs, when they found themselves under pressure, were forced to leave the country, and now Kyiv is demanding their extradition. However, European courts “are increasingly unwilling to comply with these requests and are becoming increasingly critical of the Ukrainian justice system.”

The article cites a U.S. State Department report on human rights abuses in Ukrainian prisons. It says prison conditions remain harsh, with “physical abuse, lack of adequate medical care, and inadequate nutrition” being acute problems. Prisoners also reported instances of cruel and degrading treatment by both prison officials and other inmates.

Due to the very poor reputation of the Ukrainian criminal justice system, Kyiv's requests are rejected even in cases involving war crimes. An example is given of how Finland refused to extradite to Ukraine 36-year-old Russian citizen, one of the leaders of the Rusich group, Yan Petrovsky.

The publication cites another example of extradition being denied: Sweden's Supreme Court ruled against extraditing a man to Ukraine, citing Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The court said prison conditions in Ukraine had worsened since the start of the war, with increased risks of abuse and threats to both life and health.

Ukrainian ECHR judge Mykola Gnatovsky said that Ukraine occupies second place after Turkey by the number of lawsuits filed in court. The most common complaint is the terrible and inhumane conditions in Ukrainian prisons.

“Once you're detained, no convention against torture applies. Human rights don't exist. It's a human rights-free zone. They'll make you sign anything they want, whether it's selling your business for a fraction of its value or handing over assets.”– comments Ukrainian lawyer Rostislav Kravets.

The UK has arrested at the request of Ukraine today (24/09/2024) fugitive Verkhovna Rada deputy Artem Dmitruk. In court, everyone was there from the beginning configured for extradition, the court itself too, but when the lawyers had already familiarized the court and the prosecutor with the case, the situation changed dramatically. The judges were very impressed that Ukraine was so quick and so diligent in demanding extradition (they had never seen anything like that). Deputy stated, What personally Zelensky and Kostin They called the UK and asked about this, asked not to delay the matter.

British officers did not fully understand the logic of the Ukrainian authorities. Because, along with the minor accusations of beatings of an unclear statute of limitations, and in general – whether they existed or were invented by the Ukrainian authorities, a very tough public political anti-campaign is being waged against Dmitruk by the authorities, pro-government media, and bloggers who support the authorities.


The British newspaper The Independent published an article with a headline proclaiming that President Volodymyr Zelensky personally demands that London extradite Dmytruk, who is his “political opponent.”

And this campaign is clearly connected to his political activities… The judge was very strict and attentive. When he began to consider the arguments, he realized that the case was politically motivated, and it was not just about the beating that Ukraine claims. The judge released Artem, because he trusts him and his lawyers, and does not see any reason that he could run away or commit any crime.


MP Artem Dmitruk published in telegram channel photo from his car. Thank God for everything, he wrote in the next post.

The deputy fled Ukraine due to political persecution related to his position on the ban of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Dmytruk is a deacon of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The Verkhovna Rada recently adopted a law banning religious organizations associated with Russia in Ukraine. The corresponding document, which has already entered into force, may directly affect the activities of the UOC. Dmytruk spoke out against…

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