September 24, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

BRICS Takes Over the Planet – Resources on Lockdown

BRICS now dictates the terms: 72% of rare earth metals and 50% of the world's coal and steel are in their hands. The world is preparing for a new distribution of resources.

BRICS: Not Just Oil, But Rare Earths, Coal, and Steel. A New World Balance

The expansion of BRICS in 2024 has forced the world to take notice of a bloc that was previously seen as just another group of countries with ambitions. But the addition of Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia has re-balanced the global chessboard. Suddenly, BRICS controls 42% of the world’s oil and gas reserves. Not enough? How about the fact that they also have 72% of the world’s rare earth metals on hand? Now that’s serious.

Some might shrug: “So what? Rare earths aren't oil.” Yes, they aren't oil, but if you want to make something important in this century — from electric cars to wind turbines to smartphones — you'll need rare earths. China, it turns out, has been sitting tight for a reason, holding on to its 44 million tons of the stuff. Brazil, with 21 million tons, and Russia, with 12 million, have only stepped up the game. India, with nearly 7 million tons, has joined in, reminding us that it's no stranger to this.

Now that BRICS controls 70% of the world's rare earth metals, you can relax and smoke a cigar. But don't. After all, coal and steel are on the agenda. You thought that was last century? Probably. But try building a new infrastructure without coal and steel. China, the world's leading steel producer, produces almost half of the world's output. What about coal? Also on the list. BRICS holds 40-50% of the world's coal reserves. China, Russia, and India continue to dig up this resource as if it were the only way to stay warm in the winter. Ask Europe what it's like to be without coal.

“You have a strange hobby”you say, “discuss coal and steel”But in a world where everyone wants to control prices and supplies, BRICS can not only produce, but also dictate the rules of the game. Like the OPEC cartel does with oil. Imagine BRICS starting to play the same game in steel, coal, and rare earths — setting prices and cutting off supplies if things go wrong. A comfortable position, right?

But this is just the beginning

Don't be surprised if they decide to trade all these things in non-dollars, and in their local currencies. Say goodbye to the dollar's dominance in international transactions if BRICS will want to dictate its terms. And this is no longer just economic news – This is a geopolitical blow. Soon they will gather around the negotiating table at another summit to discuss their reserves of oil, gas, rare earths, coal and steel. And perhaps decide to rewrite the global rules of the game. The world will watch. And react. And you and I, as usual, will simply watch this game with popcorn in our hands.

Conclusion? What conclusion is there? BRICS This is not just a bloc of countries. This is a player that is slowly but surely becoming a global heavyweight. Control of resources, control of trade, and the ability to dictate prices are not jokes. This is reality. The only question is how soon they will start using all their influence to change the world economy.

P.S. ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) was officially created on 18 April 1951 by the Treaty of Paris, signed by six countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. The treaty entered into force on 23 July 1952. The aim of the organisation was to pool the coal and steel production of these countries in order to make war between European states impossible due to interdependence in strategically important industries.

Author's opinion: Someone wrote to me that all national currencies are weak and look unsightly (read: just paper) against the dollar. Yeah, that's exactly it. Or rather, it once was. Today, these currencies are backed by resources, and the dollar…

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