September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Unknown persons robbed the offices of two ministries in Athens

A series of thefts from Greek ministries continues. Last night, unknown persons broke into the offices of the Human Resources and Social Cohesion Programme Management Service of the Ministry of Finance, located at 4 Korai Street in Athens.

A burglary took place at dawn on Tuesday at the same building on Dragatsaniou Street in central Athens, where the offices of two ministries are located. The fifth floor houses the offices of the Ministry of Labor, and the seventh floor houses the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family.

According to police, unknown persons stole three computer monitors and a coffee machine, and disappeared.

That same night(?) unknown persons entered the fifth floor of the building on Dragatsaniu Street, where the IT department of the Ministry of Labour is located, did not take anything(?), then went up to the 7th floor, where the payments and expenses departments of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family are located, took 30 laptops and disappeared.

Thieves steal 17 laptops from ministry in central Athens

Two days earlier, on September 17, unknown individuals stole 17 laptops from the office of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family.

A burglary took place at dawn on Tuesday at the same building on Dragatsaniou Street in central Athens, where the offices of two ministries are located. The fifth floor houses the offices of the Ministry of Labor, and the seventh floor houses the Ministry of Social Cohesion and Family.

According to information iEidiseisthe criminals turned out to be two young men who kidnapped at least 17 laptopsThe computers were brand new and were located in an office storage room located on the 7th floor.

According to the publication, a month ago the ministries received 38 laptops for distribution to employees, 17 stolen laptops were not issued. The investigation is also considering the possibility that someone could have informed the criminals, someone knew that new laptops were in this storage room. The criminals left through the back door of the building, and the police are looking for them.

From the author: don't you think the thefts are strange? New laptops are lying in the storage rooms of ministries, and then thieves come and take them. And in general, are ministries a walk-through yard, without alarms and security? Or were there no thefts?

According to information iEidiseisthe criminals turned out to be two young men who kidnapped at least 17 laptopsThe computers were brand new and were located in an office storage room located on the 7th floor.

According to the publication, a month ago the ministries received 38 laptops for distribution to employees, 17 stolen laptops were not issued. The investigation is also considering the possibility that someone could have informed the criminals, someone knew that new laptops were in this storage room. The criminals left through the back door of the building, and the police are looking for them.

From the author: don't you think the thefts are strange? New laptops are lying in the storage rooms of ministries, and then thieves come and take them. And in general, are ministries a walk-through yard, without alarms and security? Or were there no thefts?

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