September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Destructive weather hits Meteora: floods, rockfalls, landslides

The first wave of bad weather “Boris” caused many problems in the municipality of Meteora.

Heavy rainfall that hit the area of ​​Kalambaka city, where a large amount of precipitation was recorded, early in the morning led to the movement of many transportable materials along the streets of the city, and rockfall and landslides were observed.

In the village of Skepari, a section of the main road was cut off, while flooding occurred near the Trikala-Ioannina national road, causing problems for businesses located in the area. The Meteora Municipality continues to record damage caused by the storm.

In Europe, where Boris also passed, 15 human casualties were recorded.


In particular, the devastating rains caused by Boris flooded many cities in Europe, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power and triggering mass evacuations from dangerous areas.
Torrential rains caused by Storm Boris had a devastating impact on Central and Eastern Europe, causing casualties and extensive damage. A river burst its banks, flooding thousands of homes and causing power outages.

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