September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The issue of raising the retirement age is back on the agenda

The consequences of the worsening demographic problem once again bring into discussion the possibility of raising the general retirement age after 2027.

According to EFKA, the number of applications for pensions in the first half of the year approached 100,000, and by the end of the year, between 230,000 and 250,000 applications are expected. The figures show that number of new pension applications reached 99,434 in the first half of the current year, indicating an increase observed in 2024. The Atlas system report for the period from January to June shows that compared to the corresponding period last year (94,851 applications), an increase of 4,583 applications was recorded this year.

In an uptrend, an important role is played by a demographic problem that creates permanent doubts about the possible increase in the retirement age. Although the government has indicated that the next review of the insurance system will take place as planned in 2027, the atmosphere possible increase in general age restrictions remains.

The published reports on the consequences of the demographic problem are bringing back into public discussion such measures as increasing general retirement age, extension of the period of labor insurance and reduction of replacement ratesStatements by competent government officials leave open the possibility that changes will likely occur after 2027.

The European Commission's report essentially states: ominous demographic events and their consequences are hushed up.

Increased life expectancy, combined with limited fertility and an aging population, is leading to an increase in the retirement age.

The report mentions the possibility for our country of increasing the statutory retirement age to 67.5 years from the current 62 years with 40 years of insurance. In the period up to 2030 It is proposed to increase the current age limit from 62 years with 40 years of insurance to 63.5 years. At the same time, the general age limit, which is currently 67 years, could reach 68.5 years in 2030 and 72.5 in 2070.

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