September 19, 2024

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Radoslaw Sikorski Calls on European Countries to Deprive Ukrainian Men of Social Benefits (Video)

Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has called on EU countries to deprive Ukrainian men of social benefits.

He offers Western European countries reconsider approaches to assistance, to encourage Ukrainian men to return to their homeland. Sikorski spoke about this at a panel discussion during the annual meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES), reports Correspondent for “European Truth”.

The head of the Polish Foreign Ministry stated that the current policies of many capitals of the European Union harm the defense capability and economic stability of Ukraine, since offers economic benefits for men of mobilization ageciting Germany as an example. According to his information, payments exceed 500 euros, and together with housing compensation, we are talking about more than 1,000 euros per month per person, and this also applies to men:

“Currently in Germany, Ukrainians who are under temporary protection there receive significant assistance. Something similar in the Netherlands, I don't know for sure the amount in France. There is a simple method to help Ukraine – stop providing assistance to Ukrainians who are subject to mobilization. Concealment from conscription is not a reason for financial assistance. Just stop paying them.”

The Polish minister stressed that Today, there are approximately 300,000 men of mobilization age living in Polandand Poland does not provide such social support. It is worth noting that the initiative of the Polish minister has the support of Kyiv. Foreign Minister Andriy Sybiga, who spoke with him at the panel discussion, said:

“I support the idea expressed by Minister Sikorski.”

According to him, Ukraine is in close dialogue with Poland, in particular, in a project to train a military unit on Polish territory, which is planned to be formed from Ukrainian volunteers living abroad:

“This project, it seems to me, will be very important from the point of view of, in particular, strengthening our defense capability. According to estimates from the Ukrainian side, about 300 thousand male citizens of mobilization age currently live in Poland. In total, there are about a million abroad. And this is also about justice.”

The head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry added that The duty to defend one's homeland concerns all citizens, regardless of their place of residence.


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