September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

From October 1st they change "hours of silence": what not to do, punishment for violation

Greek police announce change from October 1st so called time of silencewhich occurs both at night and during the day. The latter period is more familiar to readers through the Spanish word siesta.

According to Police Order No. 3 of 1996, the hours of silence at midday and night are as follows:

  • During the summer season from 15:00 to 17:30 and from 23:00 to 07:00.
  • During the winter season from 15:30 to 17:30 and from 22:00 to 07:30.

The law provides that “violation of the presidential decrees of paragraph 1 of point “a” of article 12 of Law 1481/1984 and the police regulations 3 εδάφιο β΄ of the same article shall be punishable by imprisonment for up to five months or a fine of up to one hundred and fifty daily units (the amount of each daily unit cannot be less than 1 euro and more than 100 euro).

As is known, in Greece, as in other southern countries, there are hours during the day after lunch, during which Noise is prohibited, the so called time of silencebetter known as siesta, and in Greece it is mesimeri (μεσημέρι).

And if everything is clear with the night time here, then visitors who are not accustomed to this rule are at first perplexed. Nevertheless, this is a rather strict rule, and breaking it is considered a violation of public order and is punishable by a fine.

It is worth noting the fact that local residents react to violation of this rule during the daytime. more painful, than to a similar violation at night. This is mainly due to the fact that at night many locals leave for night entertainment and often return with noise and music. And although in recent years this rhythm of life has begun to change, you should not test the patience of the Greeks and make noise during the day…

From April 1, the schedule of

What is prohibited:

  • Work or other activity that creates noise. In exceptional cases of extreme necessity that cannot be postponed, with special permission from the head of the relevant police department Work may be permitted to be carried out, especially for communal and household purposes, that disturbs the peace.
  • Operating any musical instrument or radio, tape recorder or television at high volume, shouting, celebrations and any other noisy events in a residential or other private premises.
  • Singing, using musical instruments, operating radios, tape recorders and television screens on streets, squares and generally in public places of residential areas, as well as in public transport.
  • Noisy gaming events in cafes, billiard rooms and other public establishments, including shouting and raised voices of visitors to these establishments.
  • Loud conversations and arguments in parking lots of vehicles (buses, taxis, etc.), loading and unloading goods into/from trucks that generate noise, as well as noisy operation of the engine of a vehicle that is not in motion.
  • The use of sirens, horns and other sound signaling devices or security systems when there is no reason for their use, as well as the use of such devices for the purpose of checking their functioning.

Winter hours of public silence begin on October 1 and end on March 31, and summer hours last from April 1 to September 30.

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