September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Video from Lemnos: "We arrived well – no one can compare to Abu al-Lale, he is the best"

The wave of incursions into the eastern Aegean islands by illegal migrants who enter the country without any restrictions has clearly gotten out of control of the authorities.

Incidents number in the dozens and occur daily. From Crete to Lemnos, illegal migrants disembark unhindered, while the police try with all means at their disposal to satisfy the increased flow of tourists.

On Lemnos, 32 illegal immigrants landed in the Plaka area, unnoticed of course. They were then taken to the rural health centre of Panagia to ensure that they were in perfect health, and they uploaded a video confirming their arrival in order to pay the smuggler.

Early yesterday morning, the port authorities of Chania were alerted to the presence of a dinghy with foreigners on board in the area of ​​the sea, 27 nautical miles south of Gavdos, a known area where foreigners are picked up. A coast guard rescue boat arrived on the scene and, following the instructions of the foreigners, found the dinghy with forty-two (42) foreigners on board (34 men and 8 “minors”).

The boat picked up the illegals and delivered them to the port of Gavdos safe and sound, without causing any harm to anyone. The border violators were then transported by ferry to the port of Sfakia, from where they will be taken to a temporary accommodation point in Agia Chania. They will then be transported to Attica for permanent residence with a strict condition of not leaving the country.

The police conducted a preliminary investigation and found that the 39 foreigners were brought by three smugglers. The preliminary investigation also found that the three smugglers entered the country illegally (Article 306 of the Penal Code) and were arrested, while the 39 people arrived in Greece legally as refugees(?).

Coast Guard Statement

“In Rhodes, on the morning of September 5, the port authorities received information that a speedboat (T/X) with foreigners on board was heading at high speed towards the coast of Rhodes, towards the sea area of ​​the airport of Kremasti Rhodes. A coast guard patrol boat arrived at the scene, noticed the T/X and tried to stop it with light and sound signals before it returned to Turkish waters.

A pursuit ensued, during which the pilot of the T/X repeatedly made dangerous maneuvers, repeatedly attempting to ram the coast guard boat in the stern. The crew of the coast guard boat fired warning shots. As a result, the above-mentioned vessel was immobilized, the 36-year-old smuggler was arrested, and the 25 people on board were transported to Greek territory.

The foreigners were safely and carefully transported to the port of Rhodes. The foreigners will then be transferred to Attica for permanent residence, under the strict condition of being prohibited from leaving the country”.

These incidents are just a small part of what happens daily in the eastern Aegean. The authorities, indifferent (?) to this phenomenon, simply observe the situation.

A big “migration” party. Food, housing, education, health care, social services… All paid for. By whom?

-Tear up your documents, sail away on a boat to Greece, declare yourself persecuted minors, and no one will check you. -Are you sure? Are they that loyal?

The country is rapidly filling up with migrants from Muslim countries.

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