September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Attention men: EOF warns against buying anti-premature ejaculation spray

Due to the fact that EXS DELAY SPRAY+ENHANCED FORMULA from LTC Healthcare is being distributed without authorization, the Greek National Medicines Agency warns consumers: do not purchase or use this product.

A special drug for men who suffer from premature ejaculation is being promoted on the Internet and will probably be sold online in our country. According to the results of laboratory studies, this drug contains the medicinal substance lidocaine, without any corresponding indication on the packaging and without a registration certificate.

EOF (National Medicines Agency) warns that purchasing products from untrusted distribution points, such as the Internet, can seriously endanger the health of the consumer, writes

In addition, following information from Saudi Arabian authorities, Eof warns consumers Do not purchase or use GINSENG KINAPI PIL. This specific weight gain drug is promoted on the internet and it is possible that it is also sold in our country via the internet.

According to the results of laboratory tests, this drug contains the medicinal substances cyproheptadine and dexamethasone, without the corresponding indication on the packaging, and may be hazardous to the health of the consumer.

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