September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek government aims to turn brain drain into brain gain

The Greek government is seeking to reverse the brain drain and attract Greeks from the diaspora to return to the country.

For this purpose, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the State Employment Service (DYPA) signed a memorandum of cooperation aimed at attracting Greeks from the diaspora. The memorandum was signed in connection with the fact that, according to data, 159,000 Greeks left the country in 2023. Not to mention the almost one million who left the country during the economic crisis.

According to a statement from the Foreign Ministry, the memorandum aims to inform Greeks living abroad about employment opportunities in Greece. It also aims to develop initiatives and incentives, such as employment opportunities, entrepreneurship and training programs, to encourage their return to the Greek labor market.

The cooperation will include an exchange of information and updates on national and European programs related to the employment of Greeks abroad who wish to return and integrate into the Greek workforce. In addition, the partnership includes the organization of information seminars and events, especially in countries with significant emigration during the economic crisis. Through our collaboration with the State Employment Service, we are taking another step towards reversing “brain drain”. We aim to provide Greeks living and working abroad with targeted information on opportunities and incentives for their return.”“, said Deputy Foreign Minister Giorgos Kotsiras.

For his part, the head of DYPA, Spyros Protopsaltis, added: “We are joining forces to create a framework of actions, events and incentives that will make the Greek labor market attractive again for the thousands of Greeks abroad who want to return home. We also plan to expand DYPA's successful Career Days initiative beyond Greece to reach the Greek community and international talent.”

If the Greek government does not improve working conditions and wages, it can sing as many “sweet songs” as it wants, but young Greeks will continue to leave the country in search of a better life abroad.

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