September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Oil spill from ship at Glyfada pier

On Friday, August 30, in the morning, the Saronic Port Authority received a report of a 50 liter fuel leak from a vessel moored at Glyfada's 4th berth.

How inform, a plan to eliminate and prevent further pollution of the sea was immediately launched. The Coast Guard reported:

“Early this morning, the captain of a passenger-tourist vessel (Ε/Γ-Τ/Ρ) moored at Glyfada Pier 4 reported to the Saronic Port Authority that fifty liters of fuel had leaked from the vessel into the sea. The local pollution response plan was immediately implemented and members of the Port Authority with a Λ.Σ.-ΕΛ.ΑΚΤ. patrol car went to the site to check the extent of the pollution.

At the request of the shipowner, a private cleaning company laid absorbent materials to limit pollution, and the remaining fuel and waste from the network of sumps were completely pumped out by private tankers.

The Saronic Port Authority, which is conducting a preliminary investigation, has also begun the procedure for imposing the envisaged administrative sanctions.”

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