September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Three categories of people who believe they have moral superiority

Scientists conducted a study published in the scientific journal Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, in which they attempted to analyze the relationships between people who often exhibit behavior that contradicts moral values, and at the same time believe in their moral superiority.

The study, as reported by PsyPost, revealed the behavior of people with the characteristics of the so-called “dark square.”

The first class of people who think they are morally superior are narcissists.

This type is characterized by a heightened sense of self-reference and self-satisfaction. They believe that they deserve more than others and often ignore the needs of others in order to satisfy their own ambitions. Although narcissists often engage in behavior that is considered immoral, such as exploiting others, they tend to view themselves as morally superior to others. This is likely due to their need to justify their behavior and maintain an image of being an ideal person.

Machiavellians: Strategic Exploitation

The second category concerns Machiavellians, who are characterized by the ability to manipulate and exploit others for one's own gain. They are cynical, strategic, and often oblivious to the impact of their actions on others. Machiavellians consider themselves morally superior because they believe that their ability to manage situations and people intelligently makes them more worthy in getting what they want, even if it means violation of moral rules.

Sadists and psychopaths: the conflict between self-esteem and behavior

This type of people is characterized by lack of empathy and antisocial behaviorwhile sadists find satisfaction in inflicting pain on others. Although research shows that people with these traits are somewhat less likely to view themselves as morally superior than narcissists and Machiavellians, they too often think that they are better than others.

Research shows that people with psychopathic and sadistic traits see most people as a combination of good and bad, which allows them to view themselves as above average, even if they admit their bad behavior.

Self-perception delusion

The common element that connects these three categories of people is the phenomenon of “above average” perception (ανωτερότητας του μέσου όρου”). These people tend to be dismissive of the morality of others, which makes them believe in their own moral superiority, even when their actions show the exact opposite.

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