September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Rare deadly disease spreads in US, already causes first fatality

Eastern equine encephalomyelitis is an acute infectious disease that affects the brain and spinal cord and is transmitted by mosquitoes. The first fatal case has been reported in the United States.

The disease has already been recorded in several American states, with one death reported in New Hampshire. reports The Washingtom Post. It transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoesespecially the Culiseta and Aedes groups. These insects live in wetlands and are especially active during the warm season – from late spring to early autumn.

It is worth noting that scientists claim – Eastern equine encephalomyelitis is not transmitted from person to person.. The highest risk of spreading the disease occurs in late summer and early fall, they warn. There are more mosquitoes now, and the virus has time to circulate among bird populations, which are the main carriers of the virus.

Approximately 30% of people with eastern equine encephalomyelitis die, and a significant proportion of survivors have permanent neurological problems, cognitive or physical impairment.. Main symptoms diseases:

  • fever,
  • headache,
  • vomit,
  • diarrhea,
  • convulsions,
  • behavioral changes,
  • drowsiness.

There are no vaccines for prevention, nor specific medications against this disease.. Eastern equine encephalomyelitis is rare. An average of 11 cases are reported in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But people with weakened immune systems are especially vulnerable.

The SEC is currently spreading across New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont. Some Massachusetts communities have begun closing parks, limiting outdoor activities and postponing public events as dusk falls. On August 27, it became known about the first death from eastern equine encephalomyelitis. The man, whose name and age have not been released, lived in Hampstead, New Hampshire. Benjamin Chan, state epidemiologist for the New Hampshire Department of Health, explains:

“The risk will persist until autumn, when severe frosts arrive that will kill mosquitoes. Everyone should take steps to prevent mosquito bites while outdoors.”

Earlier, the WHO declared a global emergency due to monkeypox outbreaksIts mutated version has spread beyond Africa – a case of infection has been registered in Sweden.

And in Greece it continues to rage West Nile virus: 24 new cases and 3 deaths in the last week alone. A total of 124 domestic cases of West Nile virus infection have been diagnosed and investigated in Greece since the beginning of 2024 until August 28, of which 95 cases presented with central nervous system (CNS) manifestations, encephalitis and/or meningitis, flaccid or acute paralysis, and 29 cases with mild or no CNS manifestations.

In the last week, three imported cases of infection have also been registered in patients who were in another foreign country (Albania), which are not included in further analysis. A total of 15 deaths have been registered in patients over 60 years of age infected with the virus (age range of the deceased: 61–92 years).

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