September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

New Oncology Hospital to Open in Thessaloniki

On August 29, the Interdepartmental Committee on Public-Private Partnership approved the construction of a new, modern, 425-bed oncology hospital in Thessaloniki.

The Inter-Ministerial Commission was attended by: Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikolaos Papathanasis as Chairman, Minister of Health Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Christos Staikouras, Minister of Environment and Energy Theodoros Skylakakis, Minister of Development Takis Theodorikakos and the Minister of State responsible for coordinating the government project Akis Skertsos. Deputy Minister of Health Marios Themistokleous and the head of the ΣΔΙΤ unit Nikos Sergis were present at the meeting.

The partnership agreement is for thirty years, the estimated cost of the project is 350.5 million euros plus VAT. During its discussion, the discussion focused on a thorough study of all the nuances, financing, construction and maintenance of the new hospital.

The construction of the new Oncology Hospital in Thessaloniki will be carried out in cooperation between ΣΔΙΤ and the customer, the Theagenio Oncology Hospital. The hospital, designed for 425 beds, will operate:

  1. Intensive care unit with 10 beds.
  2. Palliative care department.
  3. Day hospital for surgical patients and chemotherapy.
  4. Department of patient care with psychological support and pain relief.
  5. Limited outpatient and emergency department.
  6. Laboratory diagnostic sector of in vitro and in vivo services such as radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine, endoscopy and in vitro laboratories with a molecular sector.
  7. Department of radiotherapy and department of radioisotope treatment.
  8. Laundries, kitchens and other common areas.

The implementation of the ΣΔΙΤ project is aimed at creating an innovative cancer hospital in Thessaloniki, which will meet modern requirements for prevention, diagnosis, hospitalization and treatment of patients, providing high-quality medical services. At the same time, the new hospital will offer modern working conditions to doctors, nurses and other staff, while addressing the problems found in the existing Theageneio Hospital. Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis said, quotes CNN Greece:

“The construction of a new modern cancer hospital in Thessaloniki through ΣΔΙΤ was our commitment, which is being realized. Its implementation marks a project of significant importance for the northern capital, as it will meet the modern requirements of prevention, diagnosis, hospitalization and treatment of patients in Northern Greece, offering high-quality medical services. With a plan and intensive work, we are building step by step the new national social security system that we have conceived and that all Greek citizens deserve.”

Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikolaos Papathanasis stressed:

“Today’s approval is further practical proof of the importance that the Kyriakos Mitsotakis government attaches to healthcare, improving infrastructure, and regional development. We continue to put our commitments into practice.”

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