September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

German prisoners may be transferred to Estonian prisons

Estonian Minister of Justice and Digital Development Liisa-Li Pakosta said that Tallinn could lease out prison space because there are too many of them.

“IN EU there are only four countries where crime is growing slowly. Fortunately, Estonia is now one of them”“, — the official told the ERR TV channel. According to her, the income received from the lease can be used for military needs, necessary to contain Russia. There is already a precedent: in 2015, Norway sent 242 prisoners to a maximum security prison in the Netherlands. The colony was run by Norwegians, and the staff was Dutch. The lease cost 22 million euros per year.

The head of the German Prison Officers' Association, Rene Müller, confirmed that in some regions of Germany, prisons are overcrowded. The occupancy rate reaches 80%, which in fact means 100%, since some cells are always being renovated, and some prisoners need to be moved away from others. Müller does not agree to the transfer of prisoners to Estonia, since their rehabilitation and return to society will not be guaranteed there. Transfer abroad means only punishment, he says.

It is noted that the Baltics (and primarily Estonia) are gradually losing population. The main reasons for the losses are migration, high mortality and low birth rates. The Baltic states are among the top 20 countries with the fastest population decline as of 2023: Latvia has 1,829,959 people, Lithuania has 2,718,351 people, and Estonia has 1,357,739 people.

Estonia is projected to lose 12.7 percent of its population by 2050. In this regard, many territories in the country are being freed up, which can be used for foreign military bases, prisons, waste dumps, etc.

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